He did it to save her. To save them both, she knew.
But that kiss. It sucked the very breath from her lungs. The moment his lips parted hers, they transmitted an electric heat that tore unexpectedly through her system.
Pulling back, Charlie gasped for breath, eyes mirroring her own in momentary shock. Before she could think, she was lifting her head to meet him, kissing him back, wrapping her arms about his neck. Whatever innocent reason they had at the beginning evaporated, leaving nothing but a demanding ache.
He collapsed on top of her, groaning into her mouth. Everywhere their bodies touched seemed to vibrate with sensation. She nipped hurriedly under his chin as his hands smoothed over her hips and up her belly. A real moan, not a fake one, curled itself inside her. It drifted lowly out of her mouth to sweep and stroke at his senses until it shook him suddenly awake.
Shoving back, he sat up abruptly, panting down at her, eyes wide. The blanket fell forgotten behind him.
Subconsciously, he ran a hand over the back of his neck, mouth hanging slightly slack. Val watched him wrestle with something inside himself, watched his eyes take her in. A confusing mix of guilt and lust built within her.
“Charlie?” She raised up just to her elbows, eyes questioning.
His hands snaked down to yank her roughly up against him. Bodies pressed together, Charlie’s arms encircled her waist in a possessive embrace. She lay her head on his shoulder, trying to slow the rapid pace of her breathing and wondered at how it matched his so well. Quietly, he kissed the top of her head before murmuring into her hair.
“Is it just me or did that start to feel real?” He paused, rubbing one hand firmly down her back. “Like on the outside real.”
She squeezed her eyes shut as the flood of heartache hit her full force. She knew what he meant, knew exactly what he meant. Because the only other time she had ever felt desire like that was with Jason. And the betrayal of it all stung.
“Tell me that it’s just me,” Charlie whispered. “Tell me you don’t feel anything, that you still want to pretend.”
Part of her wanted to scream it. Yes, I am not this person. I don’t feel anything for you. I don’t want you like that. But the words caught in her throat. They caught there because they were all lies.
Excuses ran through her head, then. Desperately she tried to make sense of the blurred lines. But she couldn’t deny the burn that simmered under her skin where his body met hers. She averted her eyes, but did not let go of him.
Gripping her shoulders in both hands, Charlie held her at arm’s length. His eyes sought answers. Unable to give him any, Val traced sad fingers along his cheek. The pain that crossed his face had tears coming to her eyes.
“I can’t do it,” Charlie announced, scooting back until he stepped off the bed.
“Charlie.” Val’s eyes darted nervously to the camera up in the corner of their bedroom.
“Get me out of here!” Charlie yelled over his shoulder. “I’m not doing this.”
“Please, Charlie,” Val pleaded, fear starting to take over.
The front door snapped open and the sound of stomping boots could be heard making their way back to the bedroom. For a moment, Charlie stared at Val, a look of apology filling his face. She shook her head at him. What was he doing? It was going to work. If he just-
Three men entered the already small room, and Shane was among them. Of course he had been watching. He was always watching.
“What’s the matter Charlie?” Shane’s voice was light, teasing even.
“Just do whatever you have to, I’m not sleeping with her.”
“Come on now, we’ve all seen you do this a hundred times over.” Shane reached out to pat him on the shoulder but Charlie stepped quickly away. “Val seems ready, and by the looks of it, you are, too. What do you need? What can we get you?”
“You can get me out of here.”
“Do you want something to take the edge off?” Shane motioned to a security guard who pulled a bottle of pills from his pocket.
“You want someone else to start? Maybe break the ice? I could get Ben-”
“You make me fucking sick,” Charlie snapped before turning to Shane and spitting directly into his face.
The next moments had Val leaping down from the bed. She screamed for them to stop. But it was too late.
In an instant the guards had Charlie face down on the floor, jerking his arms up behind his back. Struggling in vain, he wrestled and struck out. One of them stomped at his legs, then started kicking his body. Val could hear Charlie grunt each time a blow landed, but he didn’t call out.