Page 65 of The Captive Missing

Charlie, for his part, was the picture of cool. Except for the flash of worry she saw in his hazel eyes, he kept his body relaxed, lounging on the other end of the sofa, sipping on another beer. Drunk might be the way to go, Val thought, analyzing his easy countenance.

Charlie suggested another movie session and they migrated back to the bedroom. Propped up together amongst the pillows, they watched a black and white love story. The music was soft. The character’s faces shone in the brightness of the lights. There was a war and the lovers couldn’t be together. It had a soft sadness about it that drifted off the screen and filled their bedroom.

When the credits ran, Charlie pulled her up to standing and took her in his arms.

“Let’s dance,” he suggested, taking her hand in his own.

They swayed quietly in the cramped space. She felt the spread of his palm against the small of her back, it was a comfort offered from a friend. Laying her head on his chest, she listened to the steady tap of his heart, the even expansion of his lungs. If she closed her eyes, she might just believe they were somewhere else entirely.

When the movie came to an end and the music cycled away, they stood there for a while longer, clinging to what remained of their humanity while they still could.

Dinner was rich and full and slow. Charlie made chicken Alfredo pasta with heaping helpings of salad and hot baked rolls. Val slathered on the butter and drunk heavily from her glass of wine. They talked of safe things this time. Of youth, of boarding school, and friends that had been sold away. But after that was all exhausted, they were left with nothing else to say.

Val had a million questions she wanted to ask of him but couldn’t risk Cambric listening in. What had he done with his year of freedom? Had he stayed? She thought he had likely fled. But if so, to where?

In silence, they scrubbed up the dishes and tidied the kitchen before climbing into bed. The fake window radiated with moonlight, so it was easy to see that Charlie wasn’t sleeping. He lay on his back, eyes blinking up into the ceiling. Val rolled onto her side to face him and ran a comforting hand over his chest. He gave her a quiet sigh, but nothing more.

An hour passed, and then another. Still, sleep did not come. Val’s stomach churned and she shifted restlessly. But all the while Charlie remained outwardly unperturbed. Finally, he rolled onto his side, eyes searching her own. Scooting in close, he pulled the blanket up and over their heads and began to talk.

“I think I have an idea,” he whispered.

“What is it?”

“We can fake it.”

“Fake what?”

“Having sex,” Charlie became earnest. “We keep the covers up and pretend to do it, but don’t actually do it.”

“You think that’ll work?”

“I don’t know. But it’s worth a shot, right?”

Val nodded, gulping nervously. Charlie pulled the blankets back down so that just their heads were poking out. He placed a wide palm across her hip and gently applied pressure until she lay on her back. Slowly, he maneuvered himself on top of her and spread her legs with his hips.

His body hovered barely an inch above hers. Tilting his head to one side, he exhaled against the tender skin of her neck. For a solid minute, he moved his hips up and down, making sure to shift the blankets but not touch his body to hers.

“You’re going to have to play along,” Charlie breathed finally. “If they’re going to believe we’re having sex, you’re going to have to moan or something.”

“You want me to moan?”

“Hey lady,” he hissed. “If we were doing this for real, you’d definitely be moaning. I have a reputation you know.”

“Moaning, right.” Val swallowed hard.

Closing her eyes briefly, she worked to compose her features. Fake it. Right. Charlie brushed whisper kisses along the line of her throat. He didn’t actually make contact with her skin, but his breath panted out against her. She could feel it. Ducking her head to the side, she wriggled, trying to avoid the tickling sensation he caused.

Charlie paused and frowned down at her.

“Stop giggling.”

“I can’t help it.” Val’s voice was tight in her struggle to keep quiet. “Your fake kisses are tickling my neck.”

“Come on, Val.” Charlie resumed his movements. “You’re better than this.”

Eyes locking, Charlie watched her battle to keep composure. She bit down on her lip. He was so serious just then and it struck her suddenly how ridiculous they looked. They were pretending to have sex while Cambric’s cameras rolled. This was crazy. They were crazy.

A giggle formed in her throat. She kept it tight, struggling not to release it. Charlie narrowed his eyes. Right when it appeared she was losing the fight and a laugh played out on her lips, Charlie acted. He covered her mouth with his, kissing her into a subdued silence.