Page 29 of The Captive Missing

She felt the hard surface against her back as his hands hiked up her skirt, roamed to her panties, yanked at her blouse. He was everywhere at once, as if he couldn’t get enough.

Eyes closed against the skyline of the city, she felt him ignite a fire within her. Biting at her lip, she used her hands to push his suit jacket off of his shoulders before working nimble fingers down the front of his shirt, undoing buttons as she went.

“I love you. I love you.” His voice was thick as he whispered the words, all the while working her lace thong down over her hips.

By the time his shirt fell to the floor, more than half of her clothes drifted down to follow. Lifting her up, he wrapped her legs around his waist, then bent his head to kiss and fondle each breast. She gasped, eyes opening wide, hands clutching at his bare shoulders.

Before long, he had her shifting her hips against him, a quiet moan forming in her throat. He groaned in response.

Reaching down, he fumbled with his belt. She could hear the snap of metal and leather as he jerked to free himself. Arms still wrapped around his shoulders, she licked and sucked the skin just beneath his jaw.

Cursing softly, he pivoted around and carried her towards the freshly made bed. In his rush, he stumbled just a bit and they landed together on the mattress, still wrapped up in each other’s arms. His mouth covered hers then, and he entered her.

His breathing came harsh and panting as he worked on top of her, his thick strokes growing faster as he went. Arching beneath him, she whimpered and clenched. Over and over he moved between her thighs until she was crying out, tightening around him, raking her nails down the length of his back.

He didn’t last long after that.

* * *

Still wrapped in his heavy arms, she lay on her back and blinked up at the ceiling. She was warm. He kept her warm. The tangle of their naked bodies radiated heat as they lounged together on the wide bed.

Eyes flicking to study the rise and fall of his chest, Val’s heart began to beat in trepidation. This may be her last chance and she needed to say something. Something she had kept hidden from him for too long.

“I don’t want another baby,” she whispered.

“I should’ve thought about that.” Jason sighed. “I didn’t use protection.”

“No.” Val sucked in a breath, knowing he thought only of tonight. “I mean, I haven’t wanted another baby at all.”

Raising his head, Jason looked down his nose at her, trying to get a better view of her face. Abruptly she sat upright and turned towards him. He gave her a quizzical look, but she shut her eyes and willed herself to confess the whole story.

“I’ve been taking birth control.” She spit the words out before she could change her mind. “For years.”

He blew out a long breath, then his arms came to circle her waist. Deliberately, he collected her back down beside him. Stroking along her skin, he kissed her forehead tenderly.

“Why didn’t you just tell me?”

“I don’t know. Because you wanted it so badly and I couldn’t risk you convincing me otherwise. Are you mad?”

“I wish you would’ve trusted me at least to talk about it, but no, I’m not mad.”

Shifting in silence, they lay still. Her thoughts drifted to Jace and the Maldives. Would she ever see her son again? Tuck him into bed? Scold him for all of his boisterous mess?

Throat constricting, streaming tears stung at her eyes. She had never felt such utter devastation in all her life. Sensing her despair, Jason sat up and pulled her onto his lap.

“I won’t let them take you,” he repeated, rocking her slowly.

“Promise me you’ll go to Jace right away,” Val choked, but managed to get the words out clearly. “Promise me you’ll take care of our son. He needs you every day.”

“Hey-” Jason’s voice cracked under the strain. “I promise we will go see him, the both of us. We’ll be on a plane by tomorrow at the latest.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’ve got a plan.” Jason gave her a last kiss before scooting away. Rising off the bed he went to fetch his clothes. “But first, let’s take care of this pregnancy thing. I’ll send someone out for the morning after pill.”

“That’s not necessary,” Val stated, twisting her fingers together nervously. “I-”

“You… what?” Jason stepped into his slacks, then paused to watch her.