The plan went off without a hitch and soon they were tucked inside the black vehicle, stuck in evening traffic on the streets of New York. Val sat nestled up against Jason in the rear seat, his arm was draped protectively over her shoulder, his other hand rubbed at her palm. She could sense something building within him.
Jaw clenching, Jason’s eyes focused on the rearview mirror. He stared at Agent Finn, who drove with both hands flexed on the steering wheel. CT was quiet in the front passenger seat, poised, as he always was, but saying nothing.
“Is this the part where she disappears?” Jason asked quietly.
“No.” Agent Finn held up a hand, tapping twice on his ear as if to say, they’re listening.
As soon as he was able, he pulled to the right and stopped the car at the curb. Fishing around in the pocket of his slacks, he produced his cell phone and handed it over to CT. With a nod to the big man, he indicated the passenger door.
CT twisted to look back at Jason, who patted him on the shoulder and released him to go. Taking Finn’s cell phone along with him, CT stepped out onto the busy sidewalk and shut the door. Left alone in the car, Agent Finn faced forward, but began to speak.
“Tell me you left the kid where he was.” Finn’s knuckles whitened over the steering wheel.
“Yes.” Val sat up straighter, staring at Finn’s dark eyes in the rearview mirror.
“Why did you come back? Why didn’t you stay where you were? They would’ve gotten him off eventually.”
“I didn’t realize-”
“Don’t blame this on her.” Jason jumped in. “Just tell us what we need to do to get her out of here.”
“Damn it, Jason, a lot has changed in four years. We have a new President, new members of congress, and I’ve got a new boss. Things aren’t the way they were before.”
“But you made her disappear back then. Her and the baby.”
“I still followed the law.” Agent Finn glared. “Now a court full of people heard me swear that she wouldn’t leave the state. I can’t not deliver her. Take the days you have left, then turn your legal team loose and build a case. You just might get her out.”
“After everything we’ve done together. You and me.” Jason pursed his lips, his face tight. “The years of searching… building the case. All the things that I gave up to see it through to the end. Because it was the right thing to do, remember? You and I both know what’s going to happen to her in there. And you’re just going to hand her over like this?”
“It’s not my choice to make. You knew the risks. It was your job to protect them.”
“But is it the right thing, John? Are you doing the right thing?”
“There’s more at play here than either of you realize. If I let her go now, then I’ll lose my job. People other than you depend on me. I’m sorry.” Agent Finn shifted his eyes to look directly at Val. “She’s been trained for this. She can handle it. Don’t make it harder on her, Jason.”
Leaning over, Agent Finn pulled at the passenger door handle and let the door swing wide. CT slid back inside, handed over the silver cell phone and shut the door behind him. Before anyone else could speak, the car shifted into drive and eased back into the flow of traffic.
Chapter 11
The remainder of the car ride with Agent Finn was silent. Silent and tense. And that tension seemed to follow them back to the hotel and up the elevator, even though no reporters swarmed. When they arrived at the double doors of the suite, Jason hesitated at the keypad. He didn’t know the code and Senior was still miles away.
Although the armed security guards standing nearby recognized Jason and Val, they simply shook their heads. They didn’t have the code either and were unable to open the door. After a beat, Jason tilted his face up to analyze CT.
“Open it,” he commanded. “I know everyone thinks you’re dumb as rocks but you and I both know that’s not the case. You’ve seen him punch the code.”
Shrugging, CT stepped to the door and let his large fingers pass over the keypad. Within seconds the door clicked open and Jason shoved inside.
The space was clean and peaceful, just as they had left it hours before. Only, it seemed a world away now. Regardless, Jason refused to stop, refused to take it in. Hand wrapped firmly around Val’s wrist, he asked which bedroom belonged to them, then drug her inside and locked the door.
“I won’t let them take you.” His arctic eyes darted across her face. “You know that, right?”
“I know,” she assured him. “I know.”
Reaching up, she let her fingertips trace the side of his face. She knew that he wouldn’t stop fighting. It wasn’t in Jason’s nature to back down, or give in. It wasn’t in his nature to accept the hand dealt to him. But it was in hers. It was bred into her parents, whoever they were, and it flowed through her blood like a richly laced drug. As soon as stress came, squeezing her into a corner, The Agency had trained her to submit.
Drawing his face down to hers, Val pressed her lips against his, ran her hands over the soft stubble where his thick hair had been. For the first few moments, their kiss was sweet, flowing with the months of separation and the heartache that had overtaken the day. But then a sharp desperation came forward and she felt him gathering her body against his, greedy in the use of his hands.
His mouth became hot as it passed over hers, nipping along her jaw before seeking the tender skin of her neck. With a groan he backed her against the closed bedroom door.