“Your Honor,” AG Collins pressed on. “The court case Havana Agency v. Perkins ruled that if a captive is seen as a flight risk, then the Writ of Conscription is not required to follow application protocol. As you know this particular captive is an extreme flight risk. For the past several years neither the court nor the FBI has been able to locate her.”
“I am familiar with the case,” Judge Allen conceded. “But Val is legally a former captive, not current. We both know that the law is on the side of The Agency in this matter, but this particular case has a lot of uncharted territory. I must admit it would make for a very interesting trial. However, this is still my courtroom. And therefore, I have the final say. My decision stands.”
“But, your Honor-” AG Collins voice raised with her plea.
“That being said-” Judge Allen nodded to his bailiffs, who moved quickly to stop Jason in his tracks. “I agree that Val is a flight risk, and would not want to be accused of bias in the matter. As a compromise, I will select a third party and designate them the job of maintaining her residence in the state of New York until you’ve had the chance to seek the Writ’s approval through the proper channels.”
“Who would that person be, your Honor?” Jason’s lead attorney spoke up.
“I believe FBI Agent John Finn is present in court today. He has been charged with the protection of Val’s witness identity and is familiar to both sides of the aisle. It is my understanding that his reputation for law and order are beyond dispute and so in that vein I hereby charge him with the responsibility for daily check-ins with Val until such a time as the Writ can be filed. Agent Finn, are you up to the task? It is on your honor that Val not leave the state.”
“Yes, Judge Allen.” Agent Finn nodded, face devoid of any emotion.
“AG Collins?” Judge Allen lifted his eyebrows. “Do you so stipulate?”
“So, stipulated, your Honor.”
* * *
“What in the hell just happened?” Jeremy asked.
They were all packed into a tiny meeting room located down the hall from Judge Allen’s court. Jason’s legal team was in a heated discussion with Senior, who nodded solemnly from time to time. Theresa paced like a cat, her high heels tapping along the thin red carpet while CT stood resolutely at the door.
“The Judge gave us a reprieve,” Jason explained to his brother, all the while keeping his arms wrapped around his wife. “We have a few days before they’ll get the Writ approved, then they’ll come get her.”
Val kept her face buried in Jason’s neck. The smell of his skin was a comfort amidst the turmoil that threatened to overtake her. She felt his strong hands stroke her arms, then move to tighten around her waist.
If this was it, if this was all the rest of him that she got, then she wanted to embrace it. She didn’t want to let Cambric steal these last few days along with the rest of her life. For deep down, though she quaked at the thought, she would gladly give her life for her son. If they conscripted her in his place, then they could never touch him.
“I want you to go to Jace.” Val lay her head on Jason’s chest, listened to the tripping beat of his heart. “Give him a good life with his father. Don’t spend your days here, fighting for me.”
“Stop.” Jason pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I’m not going to let them take you.”
A knock at the door had them all turning. Before anyone could answer, it swung inward. Agent Finn stood on the threshold, his arms were crossed formally in front of his body. Again, his face gave away nothing. The serious countenance that had so often covered it, remained there still.
“Everything’s set up,” Agent Finn said. “Have you decided where Val will be staying tonight?”
“We’re going back to the hotel,” Jason responded. “Is your escort really necessary?”
“Yes, it is.” Agent Finn shifted his weight, but didn’t look away. “They’re even placing agents at your door overnight.”
“All this over one captive?” Jason squeezed Val tighter. “Who’s paying for it? You and I both know your boss is too cheap.”
Agent Finn remained silent, letting the question hang in the air. Cambric was paying for it. Of course they were, Val thought. She wasn’t just one captive and they weren’t just proving a point. The Agency only did things that made financial sense. If they were willing to pursue Val this hard, that meant they had a plan in mind to profit off of her.
A shiver snaked its way up her spine. She couldn’t help it. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she knew that sharing them would do no one any good.
“What about the press conference?” Senior spoke up, indicating Jason and Val. “One of you has to speak.”
“She’s not talking to anyone and I’m not leaving her. You’ll have to do it.”
For a moment, Senior looked as if he would argue, but then he noted the array of defeated faces that were strewn about the room. They may have vindicated Jason, clearing his name and gaining his freedom, but they had lost an entirely different battle. One they hadn’t been prepared to fight. Eventually he dropped his head in acceptance. They agreed to meet back at the hotel.
* * *
CT, Jason, Val and Agent Finn fled through the halls of the courthouse together. While the rest of the Riggs family and their brilliant legal team stood at a podium on the front steps of the building, the real object of the media’s desire was being whisked away in a nondescript town car.
Agent Finn led the way down into the belly of the courthouse. They would exit the same way that he and Val had so many years ago, through a prisoner’s entrance. It was the same way Jason had arrived just that morning.