Dammit, I had. Leave it to her to wake up just then. “Just a throwaway endearment.”
The pleasure in her eyes dimmed, and I instantly regretted my save. “Yeah. Like sweetcheeks. Or honeybun. My mom calls my dad that when she’s pissed at him, which is practically hourly.” Her smile didn’t mitigate how quickly she looked away.
Or the guilt that seized my gut and wouldn’t let go.
“You haven’t told me much about your parents,” I said instead of urging her to get up and get dressed. She had a life to live, and I had stewing to do.
Something I was exceptionally good at.
“There hasn’t been a lot of time.”
Was that desperation in her voice or was that wishful thinking on my part? The last thing I wanted to do was read more into the situation than was there. I’d be damned if I would be her latest groupie, chasing her around for scraps. She was probably well used to that. A beautiful, single woman with so much talent—God, she must have to beat them off with sticks.
Just like I’d like to do to any man who tried to take my place in her bed.
Myplace. Right. As if I had one.
Delusional much, Knight?
“You need to uncuff me.” My voice sounded low and rough, as if I’d gone on a bender. But nope, I’d just gone on a Peyton Pryor-induced one, worse than any alcohol.
“Oh my God. I forgot. I’m so sorry, baby.”
Somehow her use of the wordbabyaffected me as well. It hit me square in the chest, leaving behind a sting that didn’t abate when she rose onto her knees and let the sheet I’d awkwardly pulled over her fall away like water.
That body in morning sunlight should’ve been a crime. Covering it in clothes would be an even bigger sin. If she was mine, I’d make sure she was naked as often as possible while we were alone. Maybe even during dinner and TV time. Just so I could watch her breasts bounce and see that adorable flush climb up her neck as she realized I was unrepentantly staring at her tits.
And all the rest of her.
“The key’s in the drawer.”
She nodded and scampered away to rifle through the nightstand. I watched her go, my gaze riveted on her heart-shaped ass.
Somehow I hadn’t left a single mark behind. A little redness remained, but that was all.
She wouldn’t even have that much of me as a reminder when she moved on to her big, busy life. Whereas I was reasonably certain that the tingle in my palm would never fully leave me again.
After she returned to my side, she made quick work of undoing the cuff. She grabbed my wrist and rubbed it briskly, regret shadowing her features. “I can’t believe I didn’t do this before I fell asleep. You’ll never want to be submissive again.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “I would never be submissive to anyone but you. It’s just not my nature.”
“But that tendency comes out with me?” Playfully, she nibbled the inside of my wrist. “Looks like we both broke some new ground last night.”
All at once my laughter drained away. Teasing morning-after conversation was just delaying the inevitable. “Your story was on the news.” I jerked a thumb toward the alarm clock, which had thankfully turned off. It was set to only play for fifteen minutes, which was usually more than enough time to rouse my lazy ass out of bed. “They mentioned the crash and the police and some meet and greet you have tonight at the mall. Your spokesperson assured everyone you would still be there.”
Head down, Peyton continued to message his wrist, saying nothing.
“You planning on hiding out here forever? Because I gotta say, part of me figured you’d slither out as soon as I fell asleep.”
Not cuddle in and force me to remember how it feels to snuggle with you.
“I don’t slither.”
“Fine, sashay,” I bit off. “Whatever. You have a lot to return to, and I’m just the guy who spanked your ass and made you come hard enough to see stars.”
Temper flared in her gorgeous eyes. “Boy, think a lot of yourself, don’t you?”
“No, I think I’m fucking hard for you right now and you standing there naked isn’t helping matters.” I shot a pointed glance at my crotch and she gasped, as if just now noticing I was hard enough to drill wood. The sheet partially draped over my cock wasn’t diminishing my current state either.