Somewhere along the way my new career had turned into something more. A simple vocation had become a calling. Sometimes the deepest feelings were the most unexpected.
And if I kept thinking this way, I should buy a violin and set this tripe to music.
God, I needed more sleep.
To distract myself, I rubbed my fingers along her arm. At least her soft skin diverted me from mentally spouting any more half-baked poetry before I consumed a bucket of coffee.
During the night, my playlist had shut off. That was probably a blessing because Peyton certainly hadn’t appreciated my musical choices. I definitely hadn’t expected to enjoy any of her songs I’d downloaded on a whim while she was sleeping on the sofa. I’d expected even less that she would freak out about them.
Thinking I’d play them to make fun of her, for fuck’s sake.
For a woman so confident in some ways, she had mile-wide insecurities in others.
“Artistic temperament,” she’d say, flashing one of those impish grins that alternately turned my cock to stone in a second flat or made me want to laugh,reallylaugh, in a way I hadn’t in too many years to count.
She was sunshine, and for so long, I’d been closed in the dark.
My alarm bleeped on. I usually went to bed after it, but that didn’t mean I didn’t try to keep normal hours.
As the report from the twenty-four-hour news station filled the room, I glanced at Peyton, expecting her to wake up.
She continued to doze. The girl was out.
The announcer blathered on forever about the interest rate and capital gains tax and the weather and a million other bits of useless information. I was debating nudging Peyton awake before my arm went permanently to sleep when the announcer snatched my focus.
“International pop star Peyton Pryor was in a vehicular accident last night that caused significant damage to a borrowed luxury vehicle. She was questioned and released by police. Her spokesperson assures fans that Peyton will still be attending the Pop Smash meet and greet this evening at Ridgeside Mall. The event with Ms. Pryor and Miles Barker, another pop sensation, is expected to draw thousands of fans. Extra security will be on hand at the mall this evening.”
I blinked at Peyton. Happily sleeping Peyton, still snuffling through her dreams. I hated to wake her, but she had a meet and greet and fans to deal with.
Holy shit. I’d read a couple of articles last night and flipped through a couple sites online, but this was insane. Obviously, I had no grasp on her kind of fame.
Proving even more succinctly that there was no way in Hades we could have anything resembling a relationship going forward, even if I’d been prepared to take that step. Which I was not. I’d been single for a while now and that suited me as well as my new life.
Liar, liar.
Not that I was tied to a desk anymore. Writing offered me the opportunity to travel if I chose. I could pick up and meet her if—
If I lost my mind, which I clearly was on the path to doing.
We’d spent one night together. One amazing night. One night beyond compare.
I wanted to get to know her better. Definitely wanted to spend more time with her in bed. But I wasn’t the kind of man to fall for someone within a matter of hours.
A couple of my buddies on the force had fallen for women just that fast—hell, Pete had met his lady at the strip club, and they were still together five years after she quit dancing—and I’d enjoyed razzing them to no end. I wasn’t about to become the butt of a joke myself.
Especially when Peyton had told me flat out she wouldn’t be around. That translated to she didn’twantto be around.
No, she’d just been sowing some wild oats. If I was being honest, as much fun as Peyton was, she was entirely too wild and flighty for me. We’d had an excellent night together and that was plenty. I should be grateful I’d been there so she didn’t wind up getting herself into trouble with a guy who wasn’t so honorable.
You mean a guy who might spank her on the second date instead?
Shaking my head, I nudged her shoulder. She apparently had a full day ahead, and I was damn sick of my thoughts.
She didn’t budge.
“Peyton.” Nothing. “Hey there, Rulebreaker.” Another nudge and nada. “Wake up, baby.”
Like magic, her bright blue eyes opened sleepily and fastened on mine. A smile curved her mouth. “You called me baby.”