Page 117 of Alphas with Hart


I’m lostin thought when the door opens, and Elodie walks in.

“Whew! I’m exhausted, and all I did was sit in classes and listen to them go over the syllabus.”

I smile at her as she sets her heavy backpack down and throws her blonde hair up in a messy bun. She tries returning my smile, but it doesn’t reach her normally bright blue eyes.

“I’m making dinner. Are you hungry?” I ask, hoping to cheer her up. Elodie has been acting weird lately, and Malia and I have no idea why.

“Not really. I just want to take a nap,” she says as she slumps into the kitchen chair. I frown when I notice the dark circles under her eyes.

“Are you feeling okay? You’ve been a bit off since the race the other night. Did you catch a cold or something?”

“No, I’m just… tired.”

I’m about to ask more questions, but I don’t want to push her boundaries. We all get along really well, but we’re still just getting to know each other. I hope to call Elodie and Malia friends in the near future.

“Have some dinner and then go get some rest. Malia has that late class tonight, so she won’t be home for another two hours or so.”

I finish the macaroni and cheese and slide a small bowl of it over to Elodie, despite her protests. She seems to have lost her appetite over the last few days, and I frown at her as I follow her into the living room. She turns the TV on as I get settled on the couch next to her.

We eat a few bites in silence, then Elodie sighs and slumps further into the couch. I haven’t known her long, but she’s normally cheery and outgoing. She welcomed me with open arms - literally - the first day I moved in. I hadn’t realized how much I needed a hug until Elodie wrapped her arms around me. I hope I can return the favor sometime.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask, testing the waters. She shrugs.

“It’s a long story.”

“We’ve got time.”

She shrugs again, her fork stabbing a piece of macaroni.

“What’s going on with you and Hendrix?” Elodie suddenly asks, changing the subject. Fair enough. “I saw you two talking before class this morning.”

“He was making that guy apologize to me for calling me a groupie.”

That startles a laugh out of her and she smirks at me, her dark green eyes shining bright. Good. I’ve missed that spark.

“He was making someone apologize to you?”

“Yeah,” I say with a roll of my eyes. It was kind of sweet and funny, but also way over the top. “He wants me to give him another chance.”

“Are you going to?” Elodie sits up a bit, her interest peaking. I wish we weren’t talking about my love life, or lack thereof, but if it gets her out of her depression spiral, I’ll do just about anything.

“I don’t know,” I admit, thinking back over our day together. “We had the same class this morning, and he was really sweet. He sat next to me and then walked me to my next class.”

“What’s Hendrix like?” she asks, and I sigh.

“He’s charming and funny. It’s hard to resist him, but he seems like a bit of a bad boy, and I don’t know if I want that.”

“You want that,” she says, waggling her eyebrows, and I sigh.

I rest my head on the back of the couch, and she nudges me with her toe.

“Why don’t you want to go out with him? He’s hot and he’s totally gone for you.”

“I’m not so sure about that last part. Hendrix seems kind of like a player. I don’t want to get my heart stomped on the first time I…”

My cheeks turn bright red, and I cover my face with my hands.