Page 118 of Alphas with Hart

“The first time you…?” Elodie prods. I shake my head, letting her know I don’t want to finish my thought. “Date? Have sex? Fall in love?”

I wait a beat, then nod my head, my face still buried in my hands.

“Hey, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about,” Elodie says soothingly. “I get it. It’s a big deal. But Hendrix isn’t a player. I asked around today, and everyone said the same thing. He’s all about cars. Everyone actually seemed shocked that he was chasing after you.”

My whole body warms at her words. I know that I’m into Hendrix, but should I trust him? Maybe I should stay focused on classes and not get wrapped up in boys right now.

“I think you should give him a shot,” Elodie says, and I bite my lip.

“We could double date. I’m pretty sure he’s friends with that guy you were talking to the other night.”

“Hayes? I mean, Thorne?” she asks, and I grin at her.

“Yeah. I saw them together at lunch. They seemed close. Them and that other guy. They all seemed like the Kings of Campus.”

Elodie looks away from me and starts to flip through channels, but she’s going so fast that I know she’s not really seeing any of the shows flashing across the screen.

It’s clear that Elodie likes Thorne, and I want to ask her what happened between them because it’s obvious they aren’t over each other.

I sit back against the couch cushions, finishing my macaroni and cheese as Elodie finally lands on an old episode of Parks and Recreation. We giggle as Andy googles Leslie’s symptoms and tells her that she might have connectivity problems.

I always thought I would be into guys like Andy or even Ben. The golden retriever types who are harmless and stable. Instead, I’m helplessly drawn to a guy who races cars and manhandles guys to apologize.

Maybe Elodie is right, though. Maybe I should give him a second chance. I haven’t been able to get him out of my head since the race. If I give him another chance, then maybe he’ll mess up again and I’ll be able to move on.

Or maybe he’ll ignite something inside you that you don’t know how to handle. Maybe he’ll be the only one to satisfy the growing need deep in your core.

That thought should scare me, but all I feel is a shiver of excitement weaving its way through my muscles and cells, landing deep in my belly and sending delicious tremors of pleasure ricocheting throughout my body.

Elodie falls asleep on the couch before Malia even makes it home; I take her bowl from her, doing the dishes as quietly as I can as I think about what to do about Hendrix.

By the time Malia gets home, I’ve decided Elodie is right. I should see where this thing goes with Hendrix.

After all, what do I have to lose?



I wokeup early and hit the campus coffee shop before heading to class. I’ve been excited to see Locklyn again. I tried looking for her when I was on campus yesterday, but I didn’t spot her.

It’s only been forty-eight hours since we last talked, and it’s ridiculous to miss her already but tell that to my aching heart and the raging hard-on I’ve been fighting ever since we parted ways on Monday.

The last two nights, I’ve dreamt of my sweet girl. Some dreams were innocent enough - drinking coffee on our porch every morning, dancing at our wedding, waking up next to her rosy cheeks and cute button nose.

Other dreams were decidedly less innocent. This morning my eyes flew open right as I fucking came in my boxers. Can’t say that’s ever happened to me before, but goddamn. If picturing her round breasts and pink, wet little pussy gave me that kind of release; I can’t imagine what the real thing is going to be like.

The barista calls for the next customer, pulling me from my thoughts. I order Locklyn a scone, blueberry muffin, and a pumpkin spice latte before I head over to the Armstrong building and slide into the spot next to her. When I place the food on her desk, her eyes widen, and I swear she almost starts drooling.

God, she’s so adorable, so precious, so fucking mine, it’s hard to keep my hands to myself. Does she have any idea how tempting she is? How ethereal and perfect in every way? One look into her tentative green eyes lets me know she’s completely unaware of the effect she has on me.

“For me?” she asks in shock. I laugh.

“Yep. I wasn’t sure what you liked, but I got you a pumpkin spice latte.”

“I love pumpkin spice,” she moans as she grabs the coffee and takes a sip. “And I missed breakfast this morning, so I’m starving.”

I push the muffin closer to her, and she digs in. I want to talk to her and find out everything that I can about her. Favorite foods and bands, sure, but more importantly, I need to know if she wants to wait until we graduate before getting married or if she’s okay moving in with me right away. Oh, and I need to know how many kids she wants so I can start hunting for a home with plenty of rooms.