I nodded.

“But you didn’t because I told you we couldn’t see each other.”

I nodded again.

“And this time we’ve been together, you didn’t say anything because you thought I wanted to still keep us a secret.”

“You said as much. But I meant it when I said I was going to tell you.”

“Fucking hell.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Were you going to tell me more?”

I acted like I didn’t know what he was asking even though I suspected he wanted to know if I was going to tell him how I felt.

“I was going to tell you more.”

That stopped me.

“I rushed home that night to tell you I loved you. That I’d always loved you.”

My breath hitched and my arms uncrossed.

“Then I heard your father and... well... you know what happened.” He stared at me for a long moment. “Did you... did you feel the same?”

“I did.”

“I fucked it all up, didn’t I?”

“Why are you here?” I couldn’t figure out if he was simply apologizing or wanting something more. And if he wanted more, was I willing to risk my heart yet again?

He laughed. “I’m still selfish, aren’t I? I rushed over here from the hospital after realizing what a prick I am so that I could put things right with you, and after five years of loving you, I didn’t want to wait a second more.”

"Love, Henry? How can you say you love me after everything?”

"I know. I don’t blame you for being skeptical. But even when I was angry and hurt, my love for you was still there. God, Samantha, you’re the only woman I’ve ever truly loved. The only woman I’ll ever love.”

My heart wanted to embrace his words, embrace him, but my fear kept me rooted in my spot.

“I know I’ve messed up and I’ve probably killed every good feeling you had toward me, but I love you and I want to earn your love again.”

“How would things be different?”

“Because I've seen what life looks like without you, and it's unbearable. I may have been able to fool myself into thinking I could live without you, but I was only lying to myself. And it is different because Victoria knows and she thinks I’m an asshole for how I treated you, but she supports us, if you’d give me a chance."

“What about the business? What about your reputation?” It was a dumb question because the truth was out, but that didn’t mean something else couldn’t pop up that would have him pushing me away.

“Fuck ’em. I didn’t know how empty my life was after I sent you away. Victoria kept telling me I worked too much, but what the hell was there to do otherwise? Only with you in my life was there joy and fun and excitement and something other than work.” He let out a breath. “Look, I know that I don’t deserve a third chance, but if you could let me prove it to you, you won’t go through a single day without knowing how much I truly love you and Pax.”

While his words impacted me, it was the emotion on his face, the truth of his words showing in his eyes that had me wanting to give in.

“What about what I did?”

“You did it because I was an asshole. A selfish, scared asshole. I understand—”

“But do you forgive me? Could you trust me?”

“Yes.” He said it without hesitation. “And I’ll earn your trust, Samantha. You’ll see.”

I stood quiet as a tug-of-war played between my heart and my head. Finally, I said, “I don’t know... I just—”