As I introduced Samantha to the online and social marketing team, she greeted them with a confident handshake and hello that made me proud. Not that I had any right to feel like that.

It was clear I didn’t need to linger as she and the team got right to work. I made my way to the executive offices to meet with the COO and other leaders. While I think I got most of the issues of last week resolved, it didn’t hurt for the CEO to show up to make sure they knew I meant business.

After several meetings, I found an empty office and worked on my other business tasks until the end of the day. I headed down to pick up Samantha, finding her and the team in some sort of brainstorming session. Everyone seemed animated and excited. For a moment, I watched Samantha as she worked. She was the expert here. I’d brought her in to assess and consult. But she wasn’t pushing her own ideas. Instead, she was listening, considering, writing down all ideas and studying them. She was a true leader, and when it came time to start her business, she’d be a success. I was sure of it. I wondered if she’d let me invest in it.

When she finished, we headed down to the car to return to the hotel. I listened attentively as she shared the work she and the team had done during the day.

“They were off track a bit, but not as much as I initially thought. I think the changes we’ve discussed are going to be easy and very effective.”

I loved watching her talk business. Enthusiasm radiated off her. It drew me in, and I wished more than anything that I could pull her in for a hug and kiss her sweet lips.

I let her know how pleased I was, all the while sitting on my hands so I didn’t take action on my urges.

At the hotel, we rode the elevator up to our floor and walked down the hall to our rooms. I considered inviting her in for an after-work drink, but I knew it would only serve to torture myself.

Still, when she went into her room and me into mine, we’d be returning to separate lives. I wasn’t ready to do that yet.

As Samantha used her keycard to unlock the door, it burst open and Pax burst out. "Guess what? We went to the park today and I fed the ducks! It tickled my hand.” Pax held out his hand as if he were feeding the ducks.

Samantha laughed. “Oh, boy! That sounds like fun.”

“Marie ordered dinner for us. She got me spaghetti.”

“We should get ready to eat, then.”

That was my cue to stop ogling them and enter my room. Maybe I’d go downstairs to the restaurant to eat so it didn’t seem so pathetic to be eating alone.

“Are you coming?” Pax asked me.

I hesitated, torn between wanting to spend time with them and feeling like a putz, a lonely old man they were taking pity on.

"I ordered enough for Mr. Banion,” Marie’s voice came through.

"Please, join us. There's plenty." Samantha's invitation was warm, and I couldn't refuse.



I’d felt good about the work I’d done that day. The team had been receptive and enthusiastic about my ideas, which reassured me that I was on the right path career-wise. Henry’s praise didn’t hurt, either. In fact, it meant a lot. Despite all the stress between us, I respected him and his opinion. It boosted my confidence that I’d be successful when I started my own business.

Now back at our rooms, we were set to part ways. My nerves preferred that I didn’t spend time around Henry, but another part of me wasn’t ready to say goodnight. Plus, he was alone. I couldn’t very well let him eat by himself. It would’ve been rude not to invite him after Pax had, so I seconded the invitation.

As we sat down to dinner, I couldn't help but steal glances at Henry. I wish I understood why he tugged at me like he did. Sure, he was kind and smart and extremely handsome. I thought back to yesterday at the pool. He was fit and trim in his swim trunks. His bare chest was sculpted, and I’d nearly jumped into the water with him and Pax to cool off from the heat watching him brought. But along with the attraction came the nearly debilitating guilt. Watching him play with Pax only made my guilt grow heavier.

“This looks delicious,” Henry said as he cut into his chicken. “I appreciate that you’re including me.”

“I ordered more thinking you might join us,” Marie said.

“When can we see the dinosaur bones?” Pax asked Henry.

“Pax, honey, we’re here to work and Henry—”



“I know the boss, so playing hooky is easy.” He winked at me. “It’s okay, isn’t it?”