"Working hard or hardly working?" he joked.
I rolled my eyes. "Just needed a break."
"Yeah, this social media policy stuff seems like busy work. A waste of time. This is a prominent news network. We don’t need our team dancing to the news."
Well, that was quick. I’d only just sent him the email. “I’ll note that in my report to Henry.” I picked up my cup and headed to exit the breakroom.
“I’ll have edits back to you later today.”
I stopped short, wondering if he was talking to me. Realizing he was, I nodded. “Thanks.”
Back at my desk, I took a moment to enjoy my coffee. Unfortunately, when my mind wasn’t busy with work, it drifted back to my complicated mess of a life. I longed for the days when it was just me and Pax. No drama. No worries beyond the usual parenting stuff. How could I have that back? The easy answer was to leave New York. As much as I wanted to fight for what was rightfully mine regarding my mother’s will, I couldn't ignore the nagging doubts about my case. Winning against my father seemed like a long shot. Even Lucas didn’t think I could win. He said he was still looking into it, but I had to wonder if that was just an excuse to keep seeing me.
The other issue was that staying in New York meant being around Henry, and every moment spent with him only intensified my feelings. The man hurt me and yet somehow, being around him, I forgot that. Instead, the feelings of love and desire returned.
My thoughts drifted to Pax. My sweet, innocent little boy deserved a stable home, not one filled with turmoil and secrets. The best way to do that would be to move on. Let my father win and take Pax and leave New York with all my secrets intact. My conscience told me it was wrong, but what Henry didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right? God, that sounded awful. But he was the one who didn’t want to see me. He’d sent me away. And the reasons he’d done that still existed.
But this wasn’t just about me and Henry. It was about Pax too. What would be best for him? The decision loomed over me like a dark cloud. Why couldn’t life be easier?
My phone pinged with a notification. Looking at it, I’d received an email from the head of social media at the news network sending me ideas they’d brainstormed in their meeting. I let him know that I’d look it over and get back to him.
I went back to work until just before noon. Victoria would be here any minute to take me to lunch. I considered discussing my thoughts about dropping my legal fight and leaving New York. I couldn’t detail all the reasons I wanted to get away, but I could at least tell her how futile my case seemed. She’d be disappointed. Ever since she and I reconnected several months ago, she’d been so gung-ho to rekindle our friendship. I was too, except that the fear of her and Henry learning the truth had made it difficult for me to fully commit to the friendship. God, I was looking worse and worse as a person by the minute.
Right on time, Victoria breezed into my office with a bright smile. "Ready for lunch?"
Before I could respond, Alex followed close behind her. I stared at him in surprise. "Alex? I didn't know you were joining us."
"It was a last-minute change of plans," Victoria explained. "I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all." I grabbed my purse and followed them out.
We made our way to a local restaurant and settled into a cozy booth by the window.
"So, Alex is actually here because of you."
I raised my eyebrows. "Me?"
"My dad asked him to look into your legal case, see if he can dig anything up on your father."
I tensed at her words, feeling both grateful and annoyed that Henry had taken it upon himself to involve Alex. "He didn't need to do that. I've got it handled."
“But do you?” Victoria pursed her lips at me.
“Yes, I do. I have a lawyer.” I felt defensive and didn’t like it. It reinforced my desire to leave. I felt worried and defensive all the time now.
Alex's voice was gentle but firm. "Henry just wants to help you."
"That's kind of him but really not necessary," I hedged.
Victoria reached across the table and took my hand. “Please let us help.”
God. Why did she have to put it that way?
“We all know you’re a strong, capable woman, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use help. We all can,” Victoria finished.
I sighed. “I don’t deny that Alex could probably help, but I don’t have the funds to afford the help of Saint Security.”