“If that’s the best way to get it done.”

“More resources and manpower, but if this needs to be off the record, I can poke around.”

“I want whatever will give Samantha the evidence she needs to contest the will.”

“You got it.”

"Thank you." I felt relieved that Alex would look into Samantha's inheritance situation. His skills and connections would surely uncover whatever shady dealings were at play. Samantha and her son deserved that money. They shouldn't be punished because of her father's greed.

"Of course." Alex clapped my shoulder. "I'll let you know what I find."

I walked them to the door. Alex wrapped a protective arm around Victoria as he escorted her out. She looked back, giving me a searching look as if she thought something was up. I smiled reassuringly and waved.

I shut the door and made my way up to the second floor to my room. Perhaps I should leave well enough alone regarding Samantha. Or at the very, least confirm that she wanted help. But I couldn't shake the desire to help her.

My thoughts drifted back to Victoria's question about why I'd never settled down and had more children. She clearly knew I’d had feelings for a woman. She seemed to suspect that I still harbored feelings for the woman. Even now, after five long years, Samantha still occupied my mind. I thought I'd moved past it, but having her back here, under this roof again... it stirred up feelings I thought I'd buried.

But they weren’t buried. They lived just under the surface and burst forth in that damned kiss. Just thinking about the feel of Samantha's lips on mine made my pulse quicken. I shouldn't have done it, but I’d been helpless to resist with her so close. Tasting her, holding her had felt so right. Every fiber of my being had screamedyes, finally. I thought she felt it too before reality set in.

I groaned, scrubbing my hands over my face. I shouldn't have kissed her. It was a moment of weakness, one I deeply regretted. She had made it clear that it could never happen again. And she was right. It was far too complicated and risky.

I should apologize to her. I needed to let her know that I wouldn’t kiss her again so she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable around me. But she was clear that we were to act like the kiss never happened.

Entering my bedroom, I sighed knowing I needed to respect her wishes and not mention the kiss. The urge to see Samantha was still there, but I pushed it down. I had to stay away, for both our sakes. The kiss would be yet another secret between us.

It was better this way, I told myself. Easier. All I had to do was ignore the ache in my chest. The ache of loving someone I could never have.



Iwoke up with a start. The images of a steamy dream about Henry felt all too real. Henry's hands on my body, his lips against mine. I took a deep breath, trying to shake the lingering desire coursing through me. What was I thinking? I shouldn't be having sexy dreams about him.

Avoiding Henry became my mission as I got Pax ready for preschool and myself ready for work. Thankfully, it turned out to be easier than I thought. Henry was nowhere to be seen. Had he gone to work early? Was he avoiding me too?

When Pax and I made our way to the kitchen, Marie was there with Caroline.

“I’ve got pancakes this morning,” Caroline said in a sing-song voice.

“Yay!” Pax bounced on his toes with excitement.

“I’m going to need a new wardrobe if I keep eating like this,” I said as I helped Pax to the kitchen table and then sat with him.

“Don’t forget, Pax has that sleepover tonight.” Marie set a cup of coffee in front of me. "I'll take him to school, but Will's mom will pick him up this afternoon."

“Oh, right.” I drank a sip of the dark brew, willing it to wake me up.

"So I was hoping I could have the evening off. Maybe get together with some friends.”

“Of course. Enjoy it.” With Pax and Marie out for the night, that meant I’d have an evening alone without distractions or responsibilities. It would give me the chance to think, and boy, did I have a lot to consider. My life had become a tangled web of lies and desires that were threatening my sanity.

After breakfast, Marie took Pax to school, and I headed to my office. Once at my desk, I focused on online and social media marketing plans for the network news team. Specifically, updating the posting policies that offered guardrails to keep from having content that could hurt the company. For the most part, the existing policies were good, but social media had changed since they were last updated, so I worked to fill in the gaps made by new platforms and forms of content.

Once I had my draft, I needed Henry to review for approval or feedback. I composed an email to him with the draft attached. I hesitated for a moment before hittingSendas my mind went back to that kiss. Goodness, he was a good kisser. Then I groaned at myself and pushed the image aside.

Technically, that task was done, but I decided to send the draft to Alan too. Maybe he'd be less obnoxious if I kept him informed. The hope was slim but worth a try.

Deciding I deserved a break, I headed to the breakroom for more coffee. As I stood at the counter waiting for the coffee to brew, Alan walked in.