And if she was screaming, it meant she was still alive, and that meant there was still a chance to save her…
I hurried out of the door and turned right to head deeper into the Facility’s bowels.
Even though the scream had ended several seconds ago, my instincts knew her location and would bring me to her within inches.
I tried not to think about the sudden way the scream had been cut short and focused instead on reaching her as fast as I was capable.
I didn’t have to run far.
I spotted a Goblar standing at the entrance of another small room.
It lurched backward, smashing into the wall.
It was up in an instant, rubbed at its large forehead with a bloody claw.
Then it growled, sneered, and turned to run back into the room.
A smooth leg lashed out and smashed into the creature’s face, sending it flying back once again.
Emily was fighting.
But now, she wasn’t alone.
I made a solemn promise to myself that she would never be alone again.
I lowered my head and roared as I ran at the creature she’d smashed in the face.
The beast barely had time to look up before I snatched it with a single swipe of my arm and squeezed its head until I felt the bone creak, groan, and then snap.
The creature’s body turned limp, its skull crushed as I grabbed the door, yanked it aside, pulled my arm back, and hurled the conscious body at the nearest Goblar, sending it sprawling.
It had been holding one of Emily’s arms down.
Emily didn’t miss a beat and lashed out with her nails at another creature crouched on her chest, tearing the flesh of its cheek.
It growled angrily but it was nothing to what I was going to inflict upon it.
I smashed it in the face with the heel of my boot.
It collapsed in a heap instantly.
I fell to the floor, rolling over the remaining two creatures, biting one in the throat and tearing a great chunk of flesh out of it, and spat the disgusting green blood out.
It clutched a claw to its neck and stared at me pitifully with its giant yellow eyes.
With the last, I took his malformed body with one hand and its head in the other and twisted, as if wringing out a towel.
As small as Goblars were, they were surprisingly hardy creatures capable of surviving in pockets of the galaxy other species could not.
But they were not the strongest demons.
It struggled against me as I snapped its neck and tossed it to one side.
I immediately spun around to deal with any of the other monsters in the room or that might still be coming, but found there were none.
Emily lay on the floor, her dress torn, her leg exposed.
I feared the worst but would not show it now.