I bent down to pick her up and clutched her close.

She fought against me but relaxed as I said:

“It's all right. You’re all right. Everything is going to be okay now. You’re okay.”

She wept into me as I carried her from the room.



He carried me with no more effort than if I weighed a feather.

I was surprised to see him again and had long since given up on the idea that he might come and rescue me.

I had begged and pleaded to God that he would come, would turn up at the door and be there to put the horrific little ugly creatures in their place.

Their grinning needle-like teeth reminded me of a creature I had ever only seen in deepwater animal documentaries, their eyes looming large and yellow like a full moon, glaring, their slitted pupils like a snake’s, their ugly grunting haw-haw as they chuckled among themselves as if terrifying me was a hoot.

It was the kind of sordid and disgusting game only demons from hell could ever enjoy.

As I lay there, knocked to the floor, I had attempted to creep out of the room and back into the plain halls of the deep maintenance tunnels.

But they had fallen on top of me, reaching for my crotch with grasping curled claws and long fingernails like something from a witch movie.

They were a combination of all the worst horror movie elements that had terrified me from when I was a kid, a single representation of everything I feared.

I slapped one across the cheek, sending him sprawling to the floor.

His hard cock slapped the ground hard, breaking his fall.

I lashed out again as another one of the horrible little monsters jumped on my chest and reached for my throat.

He wrapped his claws around my neck and choked me but I smashed him in the back with my knee, knocking him forward.

I turned my head to one side at the last moment so he could sail ineffectively past me.

Another one took the opportunity to grab my hair and wrapped his fingers through it, holding on tight, pressing down with all his weight — which was more than I had expected considering his meager size — and banged my head on the floor tiles.

He only managed it once as I flew out again with another hand, striking him hard with a wet meaty slap, casting him aside.

Now free of the little devils, I shifted my weight back so I could roll up onto my knees, but didn’t get that far as yet another little monster — a fourth one — gripped my negligee.

The fabric tore and met resistance, holding me back.

I screamed as loudly as I could.

If I couldn’t get Yaltah’s attention — there was no telling where he was and what he was doing but I was sure as shit he wasn’t anywhere near close enough for him to come to rescue me now — at least someone might hear my pathetic desperate plea for help.

The creatures attacking me weren’t very smart, but then, they didn’t need to be.

They also didn’t seem to play well together as, once I managed to elbow the negligee-tearing creature in the neck, making him grunt and choke, clutching his claws around his throat, the other monsters took it upon themselves to deliver a few more attacks to him, weakening him further so he would be less of a rival.

I was up and on my feet in an instant, rushing through the door and into the suddenly welcoming arms of the infinite hallways.

Anywhere was better than where I was right at that moment.

The creatures took after me, growling like wolves.