I would clutch him close and press my nipples to him so he could see how excited I was, how constantly wet he made me.

I thought I had made it clear enough already that he could take me whenever he wished — however he wished.

He need only roll me over or bend me into the position he wanted and he could fuck me to his heart’s content.

I decided I would make that clear to him the moment he came from the bathroom, tell him directly that for this week, I belonged to him, heart, body, and soul.

Of course, there was the flipside to that too…

That he would belong to me the same way and if at any point I wanted to ride him, he ought to give himself to me.

I could suck his cock when I wanted.

I would ride his cock when I wanted.

I would touch him however and whenever I wanted.

I squealed at the back of my throat at just how excited I felt, giddy like a schoolgirl.

That was when the room shook.

It was barely perceptible at first and I had assumed it was my body, still shaking from the aftermath of the earth-shattering sex I had enjoyed earlier…

But no.

There was more to it than that.

A moment later, the room shook again — and this time I was certain it was the room and not me.

I shot up into a sitting position and peered around, clutching the blanket close, it having shifted from a comforter to a shield.


Now the entire room shuddered.

It was deep and heavy and somehow, even though I had never been anywhere near a warzone before in my life, I knew it was an explosion.

But how could that be?

We were safely tucked away in a Seeding Facility.

Maybe the power was struggling to stay on?

Or was it some other innocent reason?

But no matter what reason I hurled at my consciousness, I simply couldn’t shake the sensation that something was wrong.

The bathroom door burst open and made me squeak.

Yaltah crossed the room toward the door.

“What is it?” I asked. “Is something wrong?”

He raised a finger, signaling that I should give him a moment.

He eased the door open and peered up and down the corridor outside.

He waited a moment before he stepped back and began to shut the door when there was another explosion, this one followed by yells that echoed up the hallway.