She picked a piece of invisible lint off her dress and let it fall to the floor.
Looks like the male Goblars aren’t the only ones incapable of controlling their emotions…
After seeing her outburst, I wasn’t sure there was going to be much chance of me getting out of this place or escaping my “destiny.”
“This is the first time in many years we’ve been fortunate enough to catch the fated female so we can perform the Mating Ceremony. Usually, our people discover them first and hurry to plant them with seed right away.”
She shook her head. “Despite my orders for you to be brought, untouched, directly to me, they simply cannot control themselves. And so the same scummy genes end up within each new generation, repeating the same cycle over and over again. We never make progress, never get better.
“However, if we manage to get a fated female first before she’s planted with inferior Seed, well, then we can choose our own destiny. It is my belief that if we plant you with Seed from our Goblars with the most self-control, you will give birth to more controlled Goblars. Over time, as more fated females are caught and brought to us, we will repeat the process until we have males no longer dominated by their innermost desires.”
She turned on her high heels. “You will be the first in what I hope to be a long line of fated females who will not just be Seeded randomly but scientifically.”
I wanted to speak, to yell at her, to tell her I didn’t want any part of her disgusting plans but I had seen her earlier outbursts of anger and feared what she might subject me to if I did.
Although, was there anything worse than what she already had in mind?
“With more control, with great focus, my people will proliferate and take over the galaxy. And it all begins with you. And the ceremony you will be a part of.”
She turned to the scientist and nodded. “Prep her. The future begins today.”
And she turned and marched toward the exit.
“Wait!” I shouted feebly. “Don’t do this! Surely there is some other way? A better way?”
The Queen stopped at the door and spun around to find her husband, the King, still standing there, staring at me, eyes wide, drool seeping from the corner of his mouth, his huge member stabbing accusingly in my direction.
I hoped this wasn’t one of their “superior” creatures and they weren’t going to leave me alone with it.
The Queen clicked her fingers and the King snapped from his fantasy and begrudgingly tore his eyes from me.
He stumbled toward the Queen.
When he reached her, she patted him affectionately on the head like a pet dog, sneering with satisfaction that she had somehow beaten me.
This can’t be happening, I thought. This cannot be happening!
Where was Yaltah?
What had they done to him?
And what were they going to do to me next?
I didn’t not like the sound of this “ceremony” the Queen had told me about.
It would have been pointless trying to convince her to let me go and live in peace, I knew, but maybe this scientist would give me a chance.
“Please,” I said. “Let me go. I don’t want any part of this. I haven’t done anything.”
The scientist ignored me and continued tapping at her tablet.
A door at the far end of the room opened and more Goblars entered.
My heart stopped in my chest before swelling with relief that these Goblars were not of the rock-hard cock variety.
They surround me and immediately set to powdering my face and painting me with makeup.
Others brushed my teeth and combed my hair.