The male took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let it out in a single stream that whistled through his needle-like teeth.

The Goblar Queen turned and ran her eyes over me appraisingly.

She raised her chin. “So, it is true. You are the fated female.”

And I wish it wasn’t so.

I would have fired off the sassy retort but judging by the slap she had delivered to the male — her husband? — I didn’t think it wise.

I had no idea what purpose they wanted me for but knew if there was a chance I wouldn’t have to be handed to the male Goblars that had chased me earlier, I ought to at least give it a try.

“You are in the presence of the Goblar Queen,” the female said. “You shall address me as Your Highness and nothing else. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded.

“Good. You will also not speak unless spoken to. Nod if you understand.”

Again, I nodded.

The King had now regained some of his regal bearings and had his claws crossed behind his back.

He stood behind the Queen, seeming to know his place.

Were the Goblars a matriarchal society? I wondered.

I was about to discover everything I would ever want — or not want as the case may be — to know about Goblar culture.

“I apologize for my husband’s behavior. He does his best but he is still a male Goblar. And, like other males, he is completely at the whim of his inner urges. He catches a whiff of the fated female’s pheromones and it sends him berserk.”

She sighed. “I’m training him but progress is slow.”

The King, for his part, really did manage to control himself.

If there really was some kind of battle going on inside him, I couldn’t see any sign of it.

“You have seen the behavior of my people, yes? You may speak.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“It is quite unbecoming of our species, a modern space-faring civilization. Wouldn’t you agree? You may nod.”

I did.

“Over the course of time, we have become unable to reproduce. I believe that is something your species is also familiar with. Our females are sterile, the males hyper virile. We do not know why we have been punished so, but our species has been forced to mate with the females of other species. And not just any female. If that were the case, it would be an easier fix. It must be a fated female. And so, each day, each month, each year, we are given a handful of females who we might hunt down and plant our seed inside to give birth to the next generation. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded… and felt sick to my stomach.

“You have been chosen for such a destiny. And it is truly a great honor. You will be mated again and again and again by handsome virile Goblars, and give birth to an entire generation. Or, at least, for as long as your womb may permit. But we have not had any female who has not managed to produce at least a thousand offspring.”

A thousand…

I could taste the bile at the back of my throat threatening to spill itself over me.

“There must be some mistake,” I said. “I’m just a normal human woman. Why not find someone else? I haven’t done anything wrong—”

“Shut up!” the Queen snapped, her eyes large and bulbous, lips curled, teeth extended, and claws jabbing in my direction. “You’re not to speak unless spoken to! Filth!”

I just stared as the Queen slowly regained control of her emotions, her expression returning to her previous calm and somber tone.