I repeated it over and over again.

I could still feel my Steyatt beating at me but I refused to let it in.

I couldn’t remain like this forever, but after a few minutes, I began to feel the anger dissipate, for the need for irrational violence give way to peace and self-reflection.

I wasn’t sure how long it would last but for the moment, I could open my eyes and think — actually use my brain — rather than the organ between my legs.

I got to my feet and moved slowly, cautiously, as if recovering from a violent attack, and I suppose, with the Steyatt being what it was, that wasn’t far from the truth.

The bed sheets were wrinkled from where I had sat behind the nervous female.

She had allowed me to touch her, kiss her, caress her…

But not in the places where it mattered.

Not in the places my Steyatt demanded of me.

I felt the rage begin to rise once more within my chest and I took another half a dozen breaths.

Where was Management?

They should be here.

They should be here to apologize profusely.

They should—

A knock came at the door, mercifully breaking the momentum my Steyatt had been working up.

“Finally!” I snarled, turning to march toward the door.

They should have been here the instant my female had turned tail and run!

They should have explained the situation and told me exactly what they were planning on doing to alleviate this problem.

They should have told me they would do everything within their power to convince the female to return to my room.

She had signed a contract, had made a solemn promise, that she would fulfill my every need, and in exchange, I would put my seed in her belly.

Clauses had been written into the contract so either party could pull out at any moment… but that was only a formality!

No one really took those clauses (they were referred to as Escape Clauses for good reason) seriously!

They were just something to make both parties feel more comfortable with the situation.

With my Steyatt already beginning to rise like a Miak python, I hoped whoever stood on the other side of the door had a good plan on how to convince the female to return to me, or there would be hell to pay.

My Steyatt was in no mood for games.

I snatched the door handle and turned it so hard I felt the metal buckle in my grip, and threw the door open.

I curled my hand into a fist and aimed an accusatory finger — ready, cocked, and loaded — to jab into the face of the Manager that would stand on the other side of it, to berate them and make them vow this would never happen to me during my Steyatt again.

The movement of the door opening sucked the air from the room and pulled in the chill air from the corridor.

I was hit full-bore by the most powerful and alluring scent I had ever experienced.

A scent I recognized immediately.