The one from the Claiming Room.
Standing before me, hands clutched in front of herself, barely containing the gorgeous curves of her mesmerizing body, was a human female and the origin of that incredible scent.
My Steyatt was stunned into silence.
I stared at him and he stared right back.
We stood looking at each other for what felt like a lifetime.
Judging by the incredulous expression on his face, I wasn’t who he had been expecting, and it made me wonder just how many females he had coming to his room.
His eyes bulged, huge and yellow, with golden irises flecked with magical purple infusions.
His form was huge and filled the entire doorway, towering over me.
His muscular form blocked the light from behind him and cast a shadow over me.
The Assistant had told me my mate’s name was Yaltah and I marveled at how masculine and powerful it sounded.
I enjoyed rolling it around my tongue and mouth, luxuriating in the gorgeous foreignness and alienness of it, so unlike anything back home that I had to remind myself that he wasn’t from home but some world far, far away.
I wondered if I would be screaming it when he pleasured me over and over again as he planted his seed deep in my belly one shot at a time.
Still, his name meant little to me.
I didn’t know what he looked like, what his species was, or anything else about him.
He was as much a stranger to me as it was possible to get.
And yet, now that I looked at him, I realized I did know him.
I had seen him through the one-way glass wall of my observation room, where I had watched him and his fellow breeding males in the Claiming Room as they chose their females.
He was the one who had approached the wall, looking directly at me.
He was the one who seemed to scent me, his eyes drifting down to my sex.
And now that he was staring down at me with nothing between us, I realized he recognized me too.
His coiled fist with its jabbing index finger retracted back and his expression softened, not into one of kindness and understanding, but shock, confusion, and finally, I thought, fear.
“I apologize for the interruption,” the Assistant beside me said. “May we come in?”
Yaltah tore his eyes from me and I could see it took some real concentration on his part.
His eyes glanced at the Assistant standing at my shoulder for a moment, before flicking back to me.
“Your room,” the Assistant prodded. “May we come in?”
“Uh, yes, yes, of course,” he said, stepping back and to one side.
He held the door open for us and the Assistant nodded for me to enter.
I gulped with what little saliva I had in my throat and ordered my legs to move.