Leaving me alone.
Violet Dracula didn’t just take my breath away. She stole my fucking heart and ran away with it.
When I first realized I was dead, I was confused and a little frightened. Then I was angry.
Now? I’m a husk of a man, fated to roam this earth as an intangible being, watching the woman I love forget about me. How long until the afterlife claims my memories yet again? How long until I’m a broken vessel drifting through the abyss?
For the first time since I died, I sink to the floor and cry for the life I’ll never get to live.
My veins are on fire.
The flames scorch wherever they touch, but it’s a blissful kind of agony.
Because in the flames...I see him.
I try to reach for him, try to tug him to me, but he evades my reach. Memories barrage me then, but I’m not sure if any of them are true—his arms underneath my ass as he pushes me against the wall and pounds into me. His lips devouring my own. And then his tear-filled eyes as he shoves me through a strange, flickering doorway of light.
But no...that wasn’t real, was it?
I’m on fire.
My soul screams for a man that should be in paradise, lounging on a beach in some type of heaven. However, his paradise has been brutally ripped away from him by the same man who stole his life to begin with.
Zeus killed my love, and now he prohibited him from traveling to the next life.
I feel broken, each little, jagged piece of me still desperately trying to get to Mason. I’ve been carved apart by this unnerving type of love I can’t articulate or even begin to understand.
Why does it have to hurt so much?
And then I hear voices. Muted, indistinct voices that somehow break through the web my brain has been spinning.
Low. Masculine. Desperate.
“Wake the fuck up, Violet! Now!”
My blood stirs, and I begin to feel restless.
Where am I?
Am I asleep?
Why can’t I wake up?
I’m on fire.
“Precious Treasure. Please.”