Page 54 of Blood

But I don’t say those words aloud. They remain trapped in my head, my dirtiest secret, my worst fear.

It suddenly hurts to breathe past the tightness in my throat. I don’t want to say goodbye.

What if I just...kept her here? Fuck the world and everyone in it. We could remain as ghosts, haunting Earth and refusing to cross over. Zeus won’t be able to digest our souls, and we can be together.

I dismiss that idea in a tidal wave of fury.

I won’t be selfish when it comes to Violet. I can’t.

“You need to go.” My voice is a cold, brittle sound, like cracking icicles.

A rough gasp escapes Violet’s throat.

Reluctantly, I pull out of Violet and drop her feet to the ground. She stands before me like a marble statue made flesh—her panties around her ankles and her breasts bare, her pink nipples wet with my saliva. The sight has my cock twitching yet again, and I suddenly wish I took my time with her. That, instead of just fucking, we made love. I want to memorize every crook and crevice of her body. I want to taste her pussy on my tongue and have those pink lips of her wrap around my throbbing dick at least one more time. I want her fangs to pierce my flesh as she bites and claims me.

Loving her has been its own profound kind of purity. For once in my life, I wasn’t driven by my own selfish desires and wants. Maybe this is how our story is meant to end for now. I’ll watch over her from the afterlife as she continues living. Surviving. Thriving.

Didn’t I hear somewhere that all the best happily ever afters are paved in agony?

I’ll wait for her.

Soon, she’ll join me in the afterlife, but not now. She’s needed on Earth with her other mates.

Pain takes root in my bones, and I feel my eyes well with tears at the knowledge of all I’ll be missing.

I won’t be able to marry her.

I won’t be able to see her rounded with our children, if that’s what she wants.

I won’t be able to see her rule the world the way I always knew she could.

No...that’s a lie.

I will be able to see all of that. I just won’t be able to participate. She’ll grieve me, sure, but it won’t be long until she moves on with her other mates. She’ll relish in her love for them and theirs for her, while I remain this disembodied entity on the outskirts of her life, a dream that, one day, she’ll wake up from and forget about.

Pain spears my chest, but I try not to let her see it.

“It’s time for you to go.” I rearrange her shirt, so she’s covered, but she doesn’t bother to pull up her panties. She merely kicks them aside with a ferocious growl.

“How many times do I need to say this? I’m. Not. Leaving. You.” She jabs a finger at my face with each word, her face turning red with fury.

I smirk at her as I tuck my cock back into my pants and zip myself up.

“Pinkie, for once in my life, I’m going to be selfless. Remember that. I love you.” I punctuate the words with a quick kiss to her lips.

“What—?” Before she can mount a protest, I throw her over my shoulder and beeline toward the glowing door at the edge of the room. It’s barely a slit of light now, but I know it’ll be enough.

“Mason!” Violet screams, pounding at my back. “Don’t! Please!” The words are a desperate sob that claws at my insides.

“I love you, Pinkie. Don’t...don’t forget me, okay? I’m not sure if you’ll remember this moment, but... Fuck! Just don’t forget me.”


Her voice continues to reverberate through my head as I toss her through the doorway, watching her disappear from view. Instantly, I try to follow, but it’s like trying to move against a brick wall.

“No. No. No. No.” I pound at the invisible barrier keeping me from my mate.

And then, the doorway flashes bright before dissipating from view, the veil between the living and dead shutting once more.