“Be patient. Remember all the joyful moments. When they cry, just remember they won’t always be so little or need you so much. That always hits me right in the chest when I see how fast Jess is growing up.”

Stella gets up and then holds her hand out to help Jessica. My eyes are feeling misty.

“But my biggest piece of advice is…” Hunter sighs. “This is a ‘do as I say, not as I do,’ kind of thing, so you just have to take my word for it.”

I nod. “I will.”

Hunter swallows thickly. “Find someone who is always in your corner. Who will fight for your family before anything else.”

I can hear the pain in his voice. “You mean…”

Hunter grimaces. “Jessica is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I have no regrets. But I wish she had a mother that could put her above everything else. Even before me. Someone who I could go to whose priority is also my little girl. Our family. Because when you create something so precious…I mean, I want to protect that little girl with my whole life. If it had to be me or her, I’d go first. You get what I’m saying?”

The heaviness of what he’s saying is juxtaposed against the image of little girls laughing and whispering to each other. I have a lot to learn about Stella. A lot of time to make up for. And yet, I can feel what he’s saying deep in my bones.

“You can ask Gillian too, I’m sure she’d say the same thing,” he says with a subtle smile and a nod across the room.

I follow his gaze. Through the throngs of excited party guests, my eyes lock on Gillian. And my god, does she look beautiful in a burnt red dress covered in dark flowers, wrapped in a shawl. Her hair falls in waves down her shoulders. She’s listening intently to Amy who is gesticulating wildly. Not sure if it’s something good or bad from the expression on her face.

She must feel me looking at her because, suddenly, Gillian’s eyes snap to mine. The entire world drifts away when I see her relieved smile creep up onto her face.

I feel a little hand slide into mine and look down to see Stella beside me. She smiles up at me and tugs on my hand. “Come say hi.”

It’s like she knows somehow. I guess it’s true what they say about kids: they know way more than you give them credit for.

“Thanks, Hunter,” I say over my shoulder.

“Any time,” he replies.

Stella leads me across the room toward Gillian, and thank god for that because I can’t see a damned thing. I’m too caught up in the feeling of her little hand in mine, so unfalteringly gentle. It’s like she knows. But there’s no way, right?

As I approach Gillian with Stella’s hand in mine–no. With our daughter’s hand in mine, I haven’t ever felt like more of a man in all my life.

“Mommy, look who I found!” Stela cries out as we get closer. “Axel!”

She doesn’t even know how my name chafes against my skin. It’s not what I should have ever been to her. And I’m determined to make sure I change that as soon as possible.

Gillian nods. “I see that, Stella. Are you making sure he’s having fun?”

“Are you having fun?” Stella asks covertly.

I laugh. “A much better time now, I think.”

My eyes meet Gillian’s for a prolonged moment.

“Stella!” Amy cries out. “It’s time for a ride on the carousel.”

“I already rode the carousel, Auntie Amy.”

Amy scoops her away from me. “What child doesn’t want to ride a carousel? Come on!” They hightail it out of here, arguing back and forth, Stella looking back at us until we’re out of her sight.

I turn back to Gillian. “Um…hi.”

“Hi,” she replies. “Glad you made it.”

“Of course, of course. You look…nice.” You idiot. She looks way better than nice.

“Thank you.”