We blink at each other.

“I promise you she doesn’t know yet, she’s just…perceptive maybe,” Gillian says.

My mouth is dry. I don’t know what to say.

“Do you want to grab a drink and maybe talk?” she offers.

“I’d like nothing more.”

Gillian giggles. “Good.”

Once I get a little bit of liquid courage in me, I’ll be able to say what I need to say. By the end of the night, Gillian will know where I stand and how much I need our family to be whole.



It’s extremely hard to find some peace and quiet at a reception such as this one. But after grabbing two signature cocktails (Harley’s favorite, an Old Fashioned with three cherries), practically downing them in one go, then wandering around, Axel and I decide to rip off the band-aid and head toward the only place two people can really be alone: the Ferris wheel.

We climb on with the assistance of the ride operator, sitting side by side on the small bench. Being next to Axel is intoxicating. I can smell him, his cologne of amber and spice and something just him. It’s divine. Reminds me how nice it is to be near him.

The ride sighs under us as our bench is lifted into the sky, higher and higher. I clutch the bar in front of me nervously. Thank god for the Old Fashioned. It’s giving me the courage to say what I need to, even if it’s making my stomach flip flop more than it usually would on a ride like this.

“Well, I guess I’ll start,” I say. My meeting with Martin has already primed me for my vulnerability. Good practice for something way more important. “I owe you an apology. For keeping Stella from you.”

Axel’s face tightens. “It’s okay, Gillian.”

“No, it’s not. I stole what could have been something amazing from all of us.”

“There’s no use harping on what could have been any longer.”

I shake my head. “How can I stop when I’ve done something so horrible?”

“Gillian, don’t talk about it like that.” Axel grabs my hand, massaging it tenderly. “You were protecting yourself. I’m only sorry you felt you had to protect yourself from me.”

The Ferris wheel reaches its zenith and then groans to a stop. From here we can see the entirety of the party. Though below it is as rollicking as a true carnival, up here it is quiet. Almost breezy. If not for the hot studio light pointed at us.

“I wasn’t protecting myself. I was trying to hurt you,” I murmur, casting my eyes down into my lap.

“How could you be hurting me if you never thought you’d tell me, huh?” he replies in a soft voice.

It reaches inside me and tugs at my heartstrings, reminds me of all the times his voice has been just for me. He’s letting me hear it again. That must mean something good, right?

“Hey, chin up,” he whispers and brushes his knuckle against the underside of my chin.

I raise my eyes to his, blinded by the most beautiful green. Axel has never looked so good. His dark hair coiffed so casually. The collar of his shirt framing his pale neck. The thin tie resting on his dress shirt. I could have him right here if the whole world wasn’t below us.

“I would rather have the rest of our lives together, the three of us, than the past six years and never have us be together.”

Though that warms me from the inside out, I shake my head. “It didn’t have to be like that.”

“I was such an idiot back then, Gillian. I don’t even know if I would have been able to appreciate how wonderful I had it with you if we had been brought together then.” He sighs and then pushes a lock of hair off of my face, fingertips grazing my skin. “I’d like to think I would have, but there’s no way to know.”

I rest my cheek in his hand.

“But I’m here now.”
