I smile and admire her one last moment. Her chest rises and falls heavily. Already drifting away. It’s been a long day for my little girl. Finally, I turn off the light and tiptoe out of the bedroom.
Gillian is waiting for me just outside the door, a placid smile on her face. “Already out?”
“Like a light,” I reply, closing the door behind me. I lean up against the wall and look down at her. “Were you listening?”
She shrugs. “Wanted to make sure I was here in case you needed me.”
I half-laugh and loop my arms around her, pulling her hips softly to mine. “Funny thing about that is that I always need you.”
“Oh really?” Gillian teases and then raises up on her tiptoes to kiss me.
“Really,” I reply, heat rising in my cheeks.
Gillian plays with the hair at the base of my skull, gazing up at me. She truly is the most beautiful woman in the world. “You were so good with her.”
“You think?”
She nods emphatically. “Yes. So amazing. You’re such a good dad.”
That clobbers me over the head with a wave of emotion I didn’t expect. “Oh. Wow.”
“Don’t you feel it?” Gillian asks.
I shake my head. “I feel like I have a bit more to prove before I should be given such a compliment.”
“No, honey. Not at all. It’s ingrained in you. It’s what you are.”
I still can’t believe it myself. But I’ll try my best to let her words sink in.
Gillian kisses me again. A long, chaste kiss. Except her hands are grabbing onto me tighter than a chaste kiss should allow. When she pulls away, she looks up at me, eyes plaintive and suggesting more.
I cup her face in one hand, my thumb aligned with her jawbone, and kiss her once more. Our lips lock together just the same, except this time, my tongue sneaks between her lips, inviting myself deeper.
She moans against my mouth as quietly as she can and presses her body to mine. Flush against her, I can feel her pulsing heartbeat and the heat coming off of her sex.
It’s making me hard.
Without words, we continue to kiss, although a sort of gravity pulls us down the hall toward Gillian’s room. It is not loud and crashing like it would have been in our youth or even just a month ago. It is sensual, soft, and delicate.
As soon as we are behind the closed door of her bedroom, I pull her dress up over her head, exposing her beautiful body to the air. Goosebumps appear on every inch of her bare flesh. I begin to kiss every square inch of her body starting with her neck, working to her shoulders, to her chest…
Gillian whimpers and sinks down onto the bed further and further until she’s sprawled out for me to devour.
When I reach her stomach, her hips buck up toward my mouth. I lift my head and smile at her. “Want something?”
“Axel, don’t tease me,” she murmurs. Her legs hook around my back. “I need you.”
Those three words are all that need to be said. I pull her panties off, breathe in the scent of her musk, and then hungrily push my lips against her lower ones. She’s so wet, the juices flow onto my tongue easily.
Gillian’s body seizes as my tongue and lips devour her. I love to watch her squirm, how the pleasure spreads over every inch of her body. She grabs onto anything that she can find, rocking her hips into my chin.
I lock my lips around her swollen clit, relishing the gasp she lets out, before breaking away. “How do you want me to make you come, Gill?”
She breathes heavily, unable to answer me.
I lower my lips to the inside of her thigh. “You want to come on my tongue?”
“No…no, I want you inside when I come.” Gillian reaches out for me, grabbing tight to the collar of my shirt. “Come here. I need you here.”