Gillian laughs. “She knows everything she has to do. You just wait for her to climb into bed and ask for a story, alright?”
I nod, a bit dazed. I’m not prepared. I wasn’t ready to be thrown into the deep end this fast.
“And if you need me, you just holler.”
“He won’t!” Stella exclaims.
We all head inside, Stella leading me straight back to her room. Gillian is right, she knows just what to do. She puts on her pajamas by herself, throws her clothes in the hamper, and brushes her teeth in the bathroom. Then, finally, she leaps into bed and pulls the blankets up to her chest, smiling at me. “Okay, I’m ready.”
I nervously sit on the edge of the bed. “You’re still wearing your necklace.”
She frowns and touches the pendant around her neck. “Of course, I am. You have to be with me all the time.”
My heart flutters. This kid is the most special little wonder I’ve ever met. And she’s mine. Still can’t wrap my mind around it. “Well, should I read you a story?”
Stella yawns and leans back further into her pillows. “Can we just talk?”
I glance back at her bedroom door that’s cracked slightly. “Um…”
“This is my baby blanket,” she says without waiting for an answer, holding up the blanket on top of her. “Auntie Amy made it for me.”
It’s crocheted, with different patches creating a pastel rainbow.
“I sleep with it every night.”
“It looks very cozy,” I reply.
“Mhm. It is.” She looks around the room, lit only by a warm orange lamp on her side table. “Daddy?”
I shimmy closer to her, tucking the blanket up to her chest again. “What is it, Stella?”
“Why didn’t I know you were my daddy until now?” she asks. There is no judgment in her voice. Just bewilderment.
I want more than anything to call out for Gillian right now so she can help me navigate these tumultuous waters. But Stella wanted me to be here with her. Just me and her. We need all the alone time we can get after so many years of no time at all. “Well, I didn’t know you were my baby, sweetie.”
“That’s strange,” she says, pulling at one of the corners of her blanket. “Did Mommy know?”
I don’t want to lie to the kid. And I don’t want to make things more complicated than they already are. Still… “She did.”
“Why didn’t she tell you?”
“Well, it’s complicated.”
Stella blinks at me. Nothing is too complicated for this kid, I guess.
“Mommy and I…we cared for each other very much a long time ago. And things got in the way of us being together. So, when she found out she was having you, she didn’t know how to tell me.”
“That’s sad.”
I nod. “It is sad. But it’s not Mommy’s fault. So don’t be mad at her, alright?”
Stella shrugs. “I’m not mad. I’m just happy you’re here.”
“I’m happy I’m here too.” I run my hand through her hair. Her eyes flutter shut, a look of peace on her face. “And I promise I’m always going to be here for you.”
Stella sighs blissfully. I can tell she’s fading fast. I lean down and kiss her forehead. “Goodnight, my baby.”
“Goodnight, my Daddy.”