She pulls me into her chest. “Nothing. He just needs time to cool off. It’s alright. It’s alright.”

I cry it all out on her shoulder. Don’t know how long I’m there, but when I’m done, my face hurts all over. “I’m so stupid.”

“Don’t talk about my friend like that,” Lola says, wiping my cheeks clean of tears. “You’re not stupid. You were scared. That’s okay. So was he.”

I stare at my friend. “How did you know all this time? How didn’t you say anything?”

Lola looks away. “It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But…I’ve gotten to be in Stella’s life every step of the way. I thought that would be enough until you were ready.”

I smile with the last bit of strength I have in my face and embrace her. “It was, Lola. It really was.” Stella has had a Hitchins in her life from day one. And I’ll always be grateful for it.

“He’ll come around, Gillian. He will. I know he’s got that hard exterior, but all Axel has ever wanted is to be chosen.”

I can choose him. That will be easy.

“As soon as you do that…as soon as you let him in…” Lola’s voice warbles. “He’s going to be the best dad. I just know it.”

* * *

The next few days are the hardest and most painful not hearing from Axel. I had him and then I lost him. Seems to be the story of my life. I have to act as if everything is normal, which makes it all that much more difficult.

On top of running the bakery and taking care of Stella, I have to be a pseudo party planner as Harley’s courthouse wedding and reception are coming up this weekend. The back of the bakery has become an assembly line of various sweets and treats. Lola and I decided to close the bakery on Friday so that we can focus on getting everything done for the wedding.

I have to remain steadfast in getting it all done for Harley. From the moment I found out she was expecting, I have been her rock. And I’m not going to let myself falter in that role.

However, in the back of my mind, I’m always thinking about Axel.

Not to mention another intrusive thought as well.

I’ve decided that Martin is owed an explanation. An in person one. Not just a text or a phone call. I’ve made his world topsy turvy and that deserves attention and apology. So, I reach out to him. His number is still the same. I just have to unblock it. I promise him that I can clear everything up if he’ll just give me a few minutes of his time.

We schedule coffee for Saturday morning, an hour and change before Harley’s ceremony. I’ve been telling myself it’s just better to get it over with. One last thing on my mind. I want to have all my ducks in a row for when I see Axel again. And Lola has promised me he will still be attending Harley’s reception. Martin will be a distant memory by that point.

I just have to deal with him.

So, here I sit, at an Alfred Coffee in Beverly Hills, wearing a dress that’s a little too fancy for a Saturday morning coffee.

Martin walks in looking like a meerkat on hind legs, alert and nervous. I wave him down. “Martin!”

When he sees me, his eyes widen. “Didn’t realize this was a black-tie occasion,” he says, putting his hands into his linen pants.

I chuckle and adjust the bodice of my dress. “I have plans after this. You’re not underdressed. I promise. I, um…” I gesture to the coffee in front of his chair. “Got you a coffee.”

Martin looks at it as he sits carefully. “Thank you.”

“So…I guess, let me cut right to the chase. You’re not Stella’s father.”

He frowns. “Hm. How am I supposed to believe that?”

“I knew you’d say that,” I say with a smile. We did spend enough time together for me to know him well. And Martin is a skeptical guy. He isn’t just going to take my word for it. I reach into my purse and pull out Stella’s birth certificate. “Stella was born in May the year after we broke up. There’s no way given the timeline that you could have been her father.”

Martin takes the certificate and scrutinizes it.

“I promise, it’s the real deal.”

He nods slowly and lets out a sigh of relief. “Okay. I believe you.”

“But I didn’t bring you all the way out here just for that.”