Martin lifts his gaze to mine.

“I owe you an apology,” I say. Deep breath, Gillian. It’s not about your relationship in the past. It’s about what’s happened now. “I shouldn’t have made you the scapegoat. That wasn’t fair. It was unnecessarily cruel to put you through this. I never thought you’d find out; it just was easier than–”

“It’s okay.”

I stop and give him a smile.

“I mean, I appreciate your apology. I’m just more relieved than anything.”

I burst into laughter and he laughs too. “Sorry, that’s so funny.”

“Don’t get me wrong,” he says with a smile. “If she was mine, I’d want to be a part of her life. But I’m still figuring out my own, so…”

It’s funny. That’s how I felt when I found out I was pregnant. How can I invite a life into mine when it’s on such unsteady ground? And yet…Stella is what made me figure everything out. A child is something you can never be ready for. But when it happens, you get ready. And make it work. “Well, I’m glad to bring you some relief.”

Martin nods. “Well, it’s good to see you, Gillian. Now that the smoke has cleared.”

“You too.”

We chat for a little bit longer, doing a generic catch-up. I’ve got one eye on the door the whole time, thinking about my drive over to the courthouse. When we part ways, we actually give each other an amicable hug. It couldn’t have gone better if I’d written a script for it.

However, I don’t have much time to dwell. I’ve got a wedding to get to.

* * *

My sisters and I are squeezed into the first row of the courtroom on one side while Dad and Victoria, Grant’s little sister, are on the other. I’ve got Stella balanced neatly on my lap and tiny Tana is strapped to Dad’s chest in a sling, sleeping through her parents’ wedding.

Harley looks immaculate. The black dress was absolutely the way to go. Amy and Dana did an amazing job getting her ready. And Grant doesn’t look too shabby either.

Between them stands the judge, a very thin and gaunt older man with a friendly smile, his robes hanging off of him. “Grant, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony…” The judge barely starts the traditional vows and I’m already in tears.

“Mommy, why are you crying?” Stella asks, cupping her hand around my neck. “Are you sad?”

I smile. “Not sad at all.” I glance over at Dad who also has started crying. Victoria takes his hand tightly and hands him a tissue. “We are crying because it’s beautiful.”

“I do,” Grant says. His voice is strained with emotion, blue eyes swimming as he admires every inch of Harley’s face.

The judge begins to recite the vows for Harley too, but Stella is still curious. “I don’t feel like crying.”

“That’s okay, sweetie,” I say and kiss the top of her head. “Sometimes happy things don’t have to make you cry.” Inside though, I know she’ll understand when she’s older. Life can be so hard, that pure moments like this where the world stops and acknowledges how beautiful love can be are cause for tears.

“I do,” Harley says, a tear loosening from the corner of her eyes.

Grant swipes it away immediately and cups her cheek.

God, I want love like that. I thought I almost had it with Axel. Maybe I still can.

Grant and Harley exchange their rings and the room holds its breath as the judge lifts his head proudly. This must be his favorite part. “By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the State of California–”

My sisters and I all grab hands.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife.” He looks at Grant. “You may kiss the–”

Before he can finish, Harley launches herself into Grant’s arms and kisses him with all her might. We erupt into cheers and applause. Tana doesn’t even stir, even when Grant and Harley immediately rush over to collect her from Dad, embracing her for the first time as husband and wife.

“Mommy?” Stella asks in a quivering voice. She looks up at me. Axel’s eyes swimming with tears. “I think I get why people cry when they’re happy now.”

“Oh, my little one…oh, my sweet little girl,” I coo to her, pulling her close and kissing her. I can only pray that her tears do not come from seeing a life that isn’t like hers. A mother, a father, a baby…all together.