Page 54 of Fragile Lies

“I mean really, Lexi? This guy?” Josh asks, pointing a finger at Jax.

“Eh, he’s not so bad—some of the time.” Jax leans over and kisses me. And as his tongue finds mine, the kiss turns from timid to full on X-rated.

“Fine, we get it, man,” Jacob says. “She’s all yours. Don’t need to recreate the opening scenes of a porno to prove it. I mean Grandma is watching for God’s sake.”

“Shut up, Jacob,” Jax mumbles, pulling away just an inch, our gazes turning dark and needy before he kisses me again, deeper this time. Thank goodness for the damn music because I think I just moaned.

“Are these two still bothering you?” Jax’s father, Andrew asks, causing us to break our kiss. “I can have them thrown out, just say the word.” My cheeks burn from the embarrassment of our torrid kiss, but his father doesn’t seem to care that we were getting hot and heavy in front of their closest friends and family.

“Thanks, Dad,” Jax says, giving his brothers the middle finger.

“Oh, son, I wasn’t doing it for you. I like Lexi more than all three of you shitheads combined.”

“Not that I could blame you,” Jax agrees.

As soon as I met his father, I adored him. Sometimes, you meet someone and instantly hit it off. That’s what happened with us. He’s down to earth and so easy going. He made me laugh within the first five minutes of talking to him. I guess I see where the boys get their wisecrack attitudes.

“Nah, they can stay,” I respond. “They’re like annoying, little puppies you want to but can’t get rid of.”

“Oh, dear girl, maybe you can’t but I sure as hell can.”

“Ouch, Dad,” Jacob shoots back, amusement slinking across his face, while Josh shakes his head and pretends to feel wounded.

We all continue to chat and laugh as though I’ve belonged in their circle for years instead of hours. Josh finally gets me that drink he promised. I sip on it while glancing around the spacious yard with a good forty people scattered about. Some guests are standing around the large pool, while others are sitting at one of the tables, decorated with black tablecloths and crystal vases holding ivory flowers. A DJ plays eighties music mixed in with some new songs, and both old and young are having a great time dancing.

There are plenty of hot and cold food stations expertly placed along one side of the yard, and waited staff keeps walking around with hors d'oeuvres. The photo booth and a Viennese dessert station is an added bonus. A girl can get used to this.

I will say, Jax was right about my dress. Every woman here has a nice cocktail dress on, so I fit right in. When he mentioned a yard party, I was thinking more jeans and T-shirt vibes, but this is on a whole other level. If this is a casual party, I’d like to see what their actual parties look like.

I finish my mimosa, then excuse myself to use the restroom. Once inside, I sneak a glance at Jax and his family through the double glass doors of the kitchen. I can’t help but feel complete adoration for a family that I’m deceiving.

And as I watch them all laughing, I forget that these amazingly welcoming people will never be my family. I take a deep, pained breath, consumed by guilt for deceiving them all in this charade, but I never had a choice, Jax made it for me. But as I look at him, the happiness radiating from his face, I know I would’ve lied if he asked. He means that much.

He speaks to my soul wordlessly, yet I hear every word. I feel our connection deep in my bones, never wanting that feeling to stop. And more than anything, I wish the impossible, I wish he were mine. And once our time is through, I don’t know how I’ll ever say goodbye.

Hot tears sting my eyes and the ache travels to my throat, stifling me. I frantically wipe all the evidence of my grief before someone sees.

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” I gasp, jerking my head back at the unexpected sound.Shit. I hadn’t even realized Mrs. Perry was inside! I turn, spotting her sitting on one of the chairs in the dining room drinking a glass of red wine.

“Oh yes, I’m fine. There was something in my eye, but I think it’s gone now.” She tilts her head to the side and fiddles with her thin diamond necklace. Heat rushes to my face and I find myself needing to escape her inspection before she figures me all out.

“I—ah need to run to the ladies room.” I quickly dash off before she says anything to make me confess my love for her son.

Once safely inside, I inhale deeply a few times while staring at myself in the mirror. I can do this. I can pretend I’m fine, a perfect fiancée to her son.

Washing my hands quickly, I exit the restroom, hoping that she went back to the party. No such luck. She’s still there.

“Come sit with me for a moment if you don’t mind. The boys have been taking all your time and we haven’t had much chance to talk.” Not as though I can refuse. I plaster the fakest smile I can muster and sit across from her. The space between us is great but it doesn’t feel like that, it feels as though she’s close enough to dig inside me and find all the feelings I wish to hide. They’re scattered across her ivory table on full display.

She stares into her wine glass still in her hand while I anxiously bite the inside of my cheek. This feels like waiting for the guillotine to drop. “Maybe I’m overstepping by what I’m about to say so I do apologize in advance, darling, but I have to get this off my chest.”

And there’s that guillotine, right on time. She watches me and my heart begins to palpitate rapidly. A tingling sensation shoots down my arms and into my fingers. There’s no way I could lie to her if she asks for the truth, I’m not cut out for this.How the hell will I keep it together?

She places her wine glass down. “My son has an enormous heart. He loves fully, yet he’s refused to share that love with another woman, not until you.” I part my lips, wanting to tell her that she’s wrong, that he doesn’t love me because none of this is real, but instead I keep silent. “Yet, even though I’ve seen his love for you from the way he’s looked at you today, especially when you didn’t see it, I have a strong hunch you’re not actually engaged.”

My breath catches in my throat and I dart my eyes to the wall, avoiding the judgment in her gaze.

“You don’t have to say anything,” she continues. “I had my suspicions from the moment he told me, but I didn’t press. I wanted to meet you first, and as soon as I did, the signs were there.”