Page 53 of Fragile Lies

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you in advance, but I just wanted to give my mom something she’d want for her birthday.”

“What’s that?” I ask softly.

He tucks a hand under my chin and lifts my face up to meet his smoldering gaze, warming me from the inside out. “A day where she didn’t have to believe that I’m completely broken, that I'm incapable of falling in love.”

“Are you?” I ask, my voice low, guarded from fear of the answer.

“Am I what?”

“Incapable.”Don’t say it. Please, give me some hope.

He takes a deep breath. Shutting his eyes, he leans his forehead against mine. Our inhales and exhales are the only language that either one of us can muster. The truth is sometimes spoken without a word, like the wind you feel but can’t see. The warmth I felt is now gone, replaced by chills breaking across my arms.

After a few silent moments, he bends his face down and kisses me. Slow and steady passion drips from his lips, giving way to something more, something deeper. He reluctantly pulls away, his nose brushing against mine. “Come on, let’s go out back. Oh, and babe?”

I raise a curious brow, tilting my head to the side.

“If we have any shot of selling this fake engagement,” he curls his lips into a crooked smile, “you may want to try andnotlook like you want to tear my head off like you did with my mom earlier.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re asking too much.”

“Aren’t I always?” He’s not wrong about that.



“Are you sure about this,Lexi? It’s not too late to switch to the better andfarmore good-looking Perry brother,” Jacob teases while we stand beside each other under the tented party.

“You know I’ve thought long and hard about this for the last hour since you first suggested it and IthinkI’ll take my chances with this one.” I pat Jax on the chest and he laughs. Jacob shakes his head in mock disappointment.

“Really, Jacob?” Josh questions. “Trying to steal your brother’s fiancée?” Jacob shrugs, smirking.

“You like having arms, brother?” Jax threatens playfully, “because they’re about to go missing.”

“I’m not afraid of you.” He flexes his bicep. “I’ve been working out a lot.” Jacob may not be as big and muscular as Jax, but he can hold his own.

“Let’s see what you got then,” Jax shoots back. They pretend to duke it out while I grin at the brotherly love.

“While those two idiots fight over you, how about I get you another drink and then we can discuss what the hell you see in my brother.” There’s amusement in his gray eyes and I know he only teases like his twin.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Oh,” he says loudly enough for his two brothers to hear, “just so it’s clear, we all know who the best-looking Perry brother is. No competition, assholes.” Jax and Jacob stop their innocent jabs and both burst out laughing.

“Keep dreaming,” Jacob mocks, fixing his blue tie sitting obediently against his white button-down shirt.

“Yeah, yeah, baby bro, truth hurts,” Josh fires back.

“Baby bro? Whatever, you were only born two minutes before me.” Jacob picks up a shot of something off the small cocktail table before us and downs it. “Lexi, if you were single, who would you choose between me and Josh? Don’t be afraid to hurt his feelings.”

I purse my lips, stifling a giggle. “Are they always like this?” I ask Jax, who comes over to me, circling a tight grip around my waist.

“All the damn time.”

I shake my head, unable to withhold my laugh. “Well boys, you’re both handsome but I have the most handsome fiancé a girl could ever want right here.” Well pretend fiancé, but they don’t need to know that.

I like both brothers. They’re funny, genuine, and nothing how I imagined a bunch of rich guys would be. They’re so identical, you’d need fingerprints to tell them apart. They look even more like their father in person.