I know, even before he utters another word, that he heard me. He heard me on the phone, and now he knows that I have been working with Marek the entire time to keep the club away. It won’t matter what I try to explain, he’ll never understand, and I wouldn’t expect him to. I set out on this mission to make sure I was the only one who came out safe, I didn’t care what happened to the club in the process, but in the end, that wasn’t the case.
It isn’t the case.
I betrayed them, but I redirected them on a path that both benefited and protected them. They might never see it that way, and I know Mex certainly won’t. He won’t because he’s going to take this on a much more personal level, he'll see me working with Marek as the ultimate betrayal. Hell, it is, in a sense. I chose to work with the man I knew could do the most damage, to protect myself.
“Whatever you...” I begin, but he cuts me off because he lashes out, curling his fingers around my upper arm and hauling me out of the bathroom.
Stumbling over my feet, panic sets in as he pulls me down the hall, his rage so intense it’s terrifying. His strides are filled with purpose, and he doesn’t care if I fall, he will simply haul me up and keep dragging me with a determination that is terrifying. I have to at least try and explain this to him. I need him to understand.
“Mex,” I scream, trying to stop him. “It’s not what you think. If you’ll just stop and listen, I can explain.”
That has him stopping and spinning towards me so furiously, I jerk back. My hands tremble as he looks down at me with an expression that has everything inside me shrinking away from him. It’s filled with a hatred so pure, it’s heartbreaking.
“Tell me you haven’t been fuckin’ workin’ with Marek this entire fuckin’ time?”
I swallow, shaking my head as a tear breaks loose. I want to tell him I wasn’t, but I know that he’ll see right through me. If he would just hear me out... “I was, but...”
“Not to mention, you have been fucking him.”
I shake my head. “No... no, that isn’t...”
“Did he give you that?”
He shoves his finger in the direction of my neck.
Marek knew, he just knew what that mark would do. He is giving me my freedom, but of course it comes with a price...lose everything you love first.
“Yes, but...”
“Have you, or have you not, put his cock inside your body?”
His words hurt, and I stammer out, “Not since I’ve been with you.”
He laughs, but it’s so cold it scares me. “What about the other parts of him?”
Like his fingers.
I can’t deny it.
So, I don’t bother. I just look away in defeat.
He laughs, cold and bitter. “You’re fuckin’ pathetic. I should have known not to trust you. I should have fuckin’ killed you to begin with.”
“You don’t mean that,” I say, without thought, my voice breaking at the thought of him carrying out such an act and meaning it.
“Oh,” he growls, “I mean it.”
His words are hurting, they’re penetrating on a level so deep it’ll forever mark my soul.
“I wasn’t doing it to hurt you, Mex. I was doing it because he’s dangerous, and...”
“What are you gettin’ out of this?”
I shake my head, tears burning under my eyelids.
“Answer me?” he thunders, his voice so frightening I take a step back.
With trembling hands, I try to come up with a reason, something that might make sense to him, but nothing I can give will ease the storm brewing inside him.
“I had no choice.”
“Fuckin’ liar,” he snarls, taking my arm again and continuing on his rampage.
“Mex, if you’ll just listen...”
He doesn’t, he just keeps pulling, causing me to trip over my feet. When I fall, he jerks me back up without pause and drags me down the hall.
“Mex,” I plead.
“I killed her,” I scream, my voice cracking as the words flow from my lips.
He pauses now, but he doesn’t look at me.
“I killed my mother.”
Now he turns, his eyes flashing with shock and rage as he stares over at me, his finger biting into the flesh on my upper arm.
“You were never going to find her because she was never here. I killed her before you took me the first time. I didn’t want you or anyone else to know that. Furthermore, I did work with Marek to stop the club looking into him because he is more powerful than you could have ever imagined.”
He doesn’t answer me, he turns and keeps walking, a little slower this time. The tears burst forth and roll down my cheeks as he drags me into the garage, where all the bikers are sitting. Western notices us first, and comes striding over, his eyes on Mex. It’s clear to anyone looking that he’s wild, and it is also noticeably clear it has something to do with me. Swinging me around, Mex shoves me in front of Western as a few other bikers stand, their interest piqued.