How the hell am I supposed to make this choice?

Voices in the hall have me pushing off the bed and going over to the door. I can make out Western’s voice, talking to someone else, maybe Colt. I step up closer to the door and press my ear against it, listening in.

“She’s not here,” Western says, his voice low. “The information she gave us led me to someone we’ve been lookin’ for for a while.”


If I was to guess, I would say it’s Colt he is speaking to, but it’s hard to tell.

“The man in charge of everythin’ to do with what put me in prison for so long. I fuckin’ found him. I know who he is.”

“Fuck. Are you goin’ to follow this up?”

“Fuckin’ yeah, I am. This is what I’ve been waitin’ for. We’ve got to be careful, though. Powerful man.”

“What about Marek?”

“Girl is right, he’s not someone we should be goin’ to war with right now. For the moment, I’m goin’ to deal with the fucker who had a hand in ruinin’ my life. You in?”

“Fuck yeah, I’m in.”

I push away from the door, releasing the breath I was holding.

I did it.

I changed their focus. I successfully pushed them away from Marek and onto Ivan, and that is something they’ll spend a long time fighting. By the time they come back to Marek, he’ll be far too powerful for them to ever go near, especially when he takes over what my mother was running.

I completed one task, and now I have just one more to finish.

I can practically taste the freedom on my tongue, but it’s coated with something bitter.

Lifting my pillow, I bring it to my face, and I scream into it, over and over, letting all the frustrations in my soul out. Slumping down to the ground, I hang my head and exhale loudly as my body aches. I know what I have to do because I know what it is I want the most deep down in my soul.

I have to kill Death.

Because I cannot live a single moment longer in this world.

I’m uncertain if I’ll ever be able to live a single day without guilt after doing it, but I also know that if I can’t get away from this life, I’ll never live a day regardless. I’ll always be drowning in hatred and darkness. Eventually, I will fall into something I can’t escape from, and my life will be savagely ripped from me.

Death will die regardless because if I don’t kill him, Marek will.

At least if it’s me, he can go with dignity, knowing he was willing to fight for it all.

He can go and be with her, the only one he ever genuinely loved.

It doesn’t matter what I tell myself, I know when the moment comes, it’s going to harden a piece of my heart that I’ll never be able to soften again. I know it, but it is a choice I’ve made and one I’ll follow through with because I too deserve to live a life worthy of something. Nobody will give that to me, so I’ll have to give it to myself.

Even if it seals off something inside me that I’ll never get back.

Desperately needing a shower, I take a towel and some clothes and walk towards the bathroom. I never leave my phone behind, so I tuck that under my arm, too. Once I’m in the bathroom, I close and lock the door just as my phone rings. Glancing down, I exhale as I see Marek’s number flashing across the screen. I haven’t even been gone long and he’s already calling.

“Shortest twenty-four hours I’ve ever seen,” I grumble, answering the phone.

“Relax, Acacia. I wanted to see how your progress with the club was going. We didn’t get time to discuss it.”

Turning towards the mirror, I stare at myself as I answer. “It’s going well. I provided them with the information you requested, and they’re now tracking Ivan as we predicted. They’re not going to bother you any further. I kept my word, as I said I would. The club has been dealt with.”

“And for that, you will be rewarded. I’ll speak to you soon, Acacia.”

Not giving me a chance to say another word, he hangs up the phone.

I slam mine down just as a pounding on the door has me leaping in shock. My eyes swing to it, and my heart immediately skips a beat. Someone is there, and whoever it is, doesn’t sound happy as the excessive pounding continues. Rushing over, I swing the door open to see Mex standing, staring down at me. His eyes immediately swing to my neck and there is a rage that fills his face that has me swallowing in fear.

“You fuckin’ liar.”

His voice is pure ice as it hisses out between gritted teeth.