‘You know better than to listen to that...’ Henry floundered, unable to find a word to adequately describe Julian’s stepfather.

‘He was right.’ Julian looked away again. ‘What use was this intellect when I didn’t use it to help my mother? I could have. Instead of being selfish, and trying to find ways to stay away, I could have done something. But I didn’t. I couldn’t risk being that selfish again, Henry.’

‘Julian...’ Henry’s tone was firm now. In a way it had never been with him before.

‘He was right,’ Julian repeated. ‘Vincent did raise me. I’m every bit the monster he is. How could I not be? He is what I know. What if one day I lose control and turn into him? That’s a possibility. We both know I have that violence in me.’

Julian’s greatest fear. The possibility of becoming his stepfather scared him senseless. It was the reason he had to keep himself in check all the time. He had so much anger and resentment in him—where would a slip lead him? He’d still been a teenager when he’d put someone in hospital.

‘You forget that I know you,’ said Henry. ‘You didn’t leave it at that. What did you do?’

Julian dropped his head. ‘Nothing. I did nothing.’

He had gone in wanting him to acknowledge what he had done to Julian and his mother, but he hadn’t pushed for it.

‘He’s dying,’ Julian said after a while. ‘His liver is failing. I told him I’d pay his medical expenses and left.’

‘Julian, sit,’ Henry instructed.

He looked over his shoulder at his mentor with a cocked brow. Neither backed down until Julian let out a long breath and dropped into the couch opposite him.

Henry sat forward. His brown eyes were hard. It was a look Julian had seen him use in business.

‘Now, you’re going to listen to me. None of what Vincent accused you of is true. Yes, you may have been raised by him in part, but you were always your own person. You tried to protect your mother, but protection is an adult’s job, and you were a child. I know you like to take responsibility, but you can’t do that for everyone’s actions. You are not to blame.’

Julian rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb but didn’t interrupt.

‘You are a good man, Julian. Better than you realise. You helped that scum and left. Do you know what strength that takes? And what about Lily? You helped her because you wanted to. I’m willing to bet you would have even without the Arum deal hanging over you.’

He would have. Of that Julian had no doubt.

‘You have accomplished so much, but until now, you have only been surviving. And you’re barely doing that right now. You need to live, Julian. Let yourself be happy. Did you not let go just a little with Lily?’

‘I did,’ he admitted, thinking back to how she had unleashed him and hadn’t turned away.

‘Your happiness isn’t a crime. It’s okay to be ruthless in business—you need to be—but not in your life. Don’t cut things out that bring you joy because of a fear you shouldn’t have to bear.’

‘I pushed her away, Henry. I doubt she would want to see me.’

He could still picture her hurt when he’d told her to leave. For that alone, he was the villain.

‘You know Crème has the best cannelé?’ Henry smiled.

‘You saw her?’ Julian breathed.

‘I did. Don’t worry. I said nothing to her. I went only to check in.’

‘How is she?’

‘Miserable. She misses you too.’

His heart fluttered back to life. She missed him. Despite what he had done. Could he allow himself to see her? See if she still loved him. But what then?

‘You know, there aren’t many regrets I have in life,’ said Henry. ‘Hardly any, in fact. However, I do regret never settling down. Starting a family. I wish that I had. I got lucky, though. I found a son on a campus.’

Julian smiled at that. It was small and quick, but it felt like waking up from a haze. Henry had been there for him from the moment they’d met. Taken him in. Taught him. And, Julian realised, protected him. Helped him succeed. He had done everything a father would have done for his son.

‘Vincent is not your father,’ Lily had said, and Julian had been so hung up on all the ways he might have been that he hadn’t seen what was right in front of him. Vincent had never been his father. Never his role model. He fought everything the man was. But Henry...