Page 27 of June Kisses

“I understand why,” Sunnie said, letting Yvonne know it was okay.

“This morning, someone identified Landon,” Finn said.

“But not me?”

“Right now, you’re still anonymous. Just known as ‘sexy nurse,’” Yvonne said. She added with a grin, “That nickname is going to stick, by the way.”

They laughed, prompting Sunnie to roll her eyes. “You don’t seriously think I’m going to complain about that, do you?”

“Even so,” Darcy added, “it’s pretty obvious it’s you, and now that Landon’s been identified, we figure it won’t be long before someone outs you.”

“Is Landon in trouble?” she asked, worried about him.

“The captain knows Landon’s practically a bro—” Finn cut the word “brother” short.

There was nothing brotherly about the kiss she and Landon had shared.

“That kiss didn’t mean anything, Finn,” she insisted quickly. Landon had offered an explanation that both of them seemed willing to live with.

Except they hadn’t seen each other in a week to test the theory.

“Sunnie…” Finn started.

“I’m serious. Nothing has changed.”

She had been the pest of a little sister bugging him and Finn since they were kids, and now they were friends. No. More than that. He was like another brother to her. She would never jeopardize that. No matter how amazing a kisser he was.

Unfortunately, watching the kiss on the screen only reminded her how freaking hot it was. And that horniness emotion returned.

Finn frowned, and she could see he didn’t believe that the kiss was nothing.

“It’s not the first time the two of you have kissed lately,” Yvonne pointed out, very unhelpfully.

Sunnie narrowed her eyes. “April Fools doesn’t count, Vonnie. Landon and I were both drunk and we’d overdosed on the bacon buffet. Plus, I was Jasmine—I was feeling very Dance of the Seven Veils that night. You can’t hold me responsible for anything I do when I’m in Disney Princess mode.”

Yvonne and Darcy laughed and agreed with that argument. Finn crossed his arms, shaking his head.

“Besides,” Sunnie continued, “neither one of us even remembers it!”

She tried to hold on to that lie. The tequila had wiped away any inhibitions she might have had in regards to kissing her brother’s best friend.

It was all that talk about what he liked in the bedroom. Sweet merciful heaven. He’d said the words, and it had taken everything she had not to strip off her costume right then and there.

She recalled leaning toward him, and while she’d been tipsy—okay, drunk—she was ninety-two percent certain that Landon had met her halfway. And he’d definitely been the first to introduce tongues to the kiss.

No. Crap. Maybe that had been her.

But she definitely hadn’t forced him to snake his hand over her bare waist to tug her closer.

“It really doesn’t mean anything?” Darcy asked. “Because it looked—”

“I was upset,” she wasn’t, “and he was comforting me,” he wasn’t, “so yes, I swear it was nothing more than that.” It hadn’t felt like nothing. God, it had felt incredible. And she’d wanted more. A lot more.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pushed that thought away, refusing to go down that path.

Brother. He was like a brother to her.

Funny how that word no longer felt like it applied. In fact, it felt downright wrong.