Page 26 of June Kisses

“Fine,” she said at last. “I’m going to work.”

Finn put a hand out, grasping her wrist. “Maybe you should call in sick today.”

Sunnie became alarmed. “Why would I do that?”

He shrugged. “I just think maybe you should lay low for a little while.”

“Lay low? What the hell are you talking about?”

Yvonne looked around the room, raising her eyebrows. Finn sighed, and she thought he might have cursed under his breath.

There was clearly some sort of nonverbal conversation passing between everyone.

“I’m going to lose my shit in about three seconds if someone doesn’t tell me what’s going on,” Sunnie declared.

“She’s going to find out sooner rather than later, Finn.” Yvonne held out her cell phone. “You and Landon have gone viral.”

“Viral?” Sunnie frowned—until she saw the headline on the YouTube video.

Hot Cop Saves Sexy Nurse.

“What the fuck?” Sunnie pushed play, horrified to discover someone had recorded almost everything that happened last week, starting with Landon running toward her.

Whoever filmed it was too far away to pick up their voices, so they’d superimposed a romantic song over the whole thing. While nothing they said could be heard, the person recording them was in a perfect position to pick up everything else. Landon kneeling before her, checking her for injuries, hugging her, the way he helped her stand up, the kiss—oh God, the kiss—and then him carrying her back toward the cruiser.

That was where it ended.

And that was when she realized where the recording had come from.

The reporter.

She glanced down at the number of views…and gasped. Yvonne hadn’t exaggerated about the viral part.

“Where’s Landon?” She hadn’t seen him since last week, not since the foot rub and their decision to put the kisses behind them and carry on as normal.

Of course, if they’d been truly doing that, she would have seen him at least two or three times this week and they would have texted a few times every day, but that hadn’t happened. He hadn’t come by. She hadn’t texted. It had been a very unusual radio silence.

“I talked to him this morning,” Finn said. “It was supposed to be his day off, but Dad called him into work.”


Finn rubbed his neck, his confusion giving way to a weary expression. “The captain had some questions for him.”

“About that?” she asked, pointing to the phone.

Darcy nodded.

“He can’t get in trouble for that!”

Finn reached out and placed a comforting hand on her arm. “I don’t think he will. I mean, when the recording first went viral, no one knew who either of you were.”

“First went viral?” she asked.

“Someone pointed it out to me last night right before closing time,” Yvonne said. “It was one of our regulars, and she made some comment about it looking like you, but she wasn’t really sure.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” Sunnie asked.

“You’d had a really shitty day, and I didn’t want…” Yvonne let her excuses drift away. One of Sunnie’s cancer patients had passed away yesterday. She’d come home after her shift, hit the couch, cried, then gone to bed early.