pockets while he casually crosses his ankles over one another. His
shoulder digs into the doorframe, and the hallway offers perfectly
placed backlighting to marvel such a man. “Leah, did you hear me?”
“Yeah, sorry. I’m just… My mind is wandering a lot tonight. It’s late,
that’s all. I wasn’t expecting you’d still be awake.”
“I was hoping you would come downstairs, but you didn’t come. So I
just wanted to check in on you.”
I bow my head in thanks. “Oh, sorry. I was just going to lay in bed.
The shower water got cold, and I got uncomfortable sitting on the
“Yeah, it wasn’t very comfortable at all, and I was only on the floor
for maybe ten minutes.”
I nod slowly, recalling how much he tried to throw me a life preserver
when I needed to drown.
“Come downstairs. I made something to eat,” he adds, waving me
I brush my hands down my face, wincing while the little pieces of
glass in my skin peak with pain. I try to hold back on letting it show,
but Percy hardly seems surprised, waving me over until I’m tucked
comfortably into his side. His arm wraps over my shoulders and
leads me down the stairs to the kitchen.
I’m wearing a long tee shirt as pajamas with a pair of loose shorts, so
the warm fire in the fireplace brings chills to my skin I’m certain he
can feel.
I want to go curl up on the couch with a blanket, my bare feet weary
of the wood floors that hold all the glass I threw earlier. But when we
get to the kitchen, all the glass is gone. The mess has entirely been
cleaned up, and the whole house looks new.
Even the pile of mail has been cut down and put away on the desk in
the living room.