And neither can I.
I stare at the ceiling for decades, my mind in a constant
monochromatic watercolor of chaos. I feel like I’m floating while laid
out in bed, my chest heavy like someone’s pressing his boot down on
my heart and pinning my back into the mud beneath me.
In reality, I’m in bed trudging through the night with a head full of
lackluster thoughts and a soul that’s old, dry, and flaking off with
every passing hour.
“Hey,” a light voice calls, Percy’s tone like the shuffling of feet on
Christmas morning.
He’s hopeful and upbeat, but I’m not sure if it’s for show or if he’s
just trying to inflict that emotion onto me. Either way, I finally decide
it’s time to sit up in bed, and I pull the blankets with me in my strain.
His hair is slightly damp, his body reclothed in some pajama pants,
while his shirtless physique whips my focus.
Percy is the breed of charming that deserves to be admired by the
masses, but I’m too entranced with his beauty to think about anyone
else obsessing over him. It’s a weird place to be. I want him to whisk
me away to another world at times and be alone with me forever, but
then I deflate back down to reality and realize how different we are,
how this interaction has a time limit.
Tick, tock.
The time limit feels like it’s closing in on me slowly, just another
pressure I can’t address right now, and that I may never want to
address again.
I’ll add to the list of things I’ll deal with later.
“You look confused to see me,” Percy points on, hands in his pants