Finally, we are all home, where we belong.
Chapter Eighteen
It’s very late at night when we finally manage to put Orien to sleep. He’s been so excited to have me home, we just didn’t have the heart to put him to sleep at his usual bedtime. This was, after all, a special moment. We needed to make it count.
We watch his little sleepy face for a while, then tiptoe out of his room and head towards our bedroom, closing the door behind us softly.
She watches me take off my clothes, letting them drop on the ground. Usually, she minds a mess. But not today. Today, I don’t think any of us minds anything. “I think I need a shower,” I tell her, smelling my armpits and making a face.
She can’t help but burst into a chuckle. “Sure,” she nods. “I’m too tired to keep my eyes open a moment longer.”
She takes off her clothes and slides into a nightgown, allowing herself to flop onto the bed. She closes her eyes and instantly, sleep takes over. I go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I feel like I haven’t bathed in ages. I stand under the running water for a while, feeling refreshed, feeling as if the water is washing everything off of me, leaving me cleansed. The feeling is wonderful.
Several minutes later, I climb into the bed next to her and wrap my arms around her, pulling her close to me.
“You smell nice,” she murmurs sleepily, her eyes still closed.
My hands start to caress her body. There is only one thing on my mind. I missed her so. I want to show her just how much.
“Aren’t you tired?” she asks, as I nuzzle her nose.
I brush my lips against hers softly. My body reacts immediately to her smell, to the softness of her skin. My cock springs into action, begging for release. But I don’t want to fuck her. I want to make love to her. I want to show her how much she means to me, that without her, life wouldn’t be worth living.
“Never too tired to make love to you,” I whisper, my lips finding hers.
We start kissing softly, neither of us willing to rush. She cups my face, bringing me closer, adjusting her body as well, so that we’re pressed against each other. She wants to be as close to me as possible. I know that feeling. I want to touch her at all times, just to assure myself that she is here, by my side, that she hasn’t disappeared somewhere.
The room is dark. There is only faint moonlight falling on us from the window. I open my eyes for a moment, while we’re kissing. Her skin looks pale, like fresh milk. I caress her cheeks with the tips of my fingers. She throws one of her legs over my thighs carelessly, grinding her bare pussy against me. My cock rages at the thought of entering her warm wetness, but I want to take my time. I want to savor this moment.
I uncover us both and with one swoop of my arms, I take off her nightgown, leaving her completely naked. She looks glorious, biting her lower lip as she looks at me so devilishly.
“Do you want me to kiss it?” I ask, teasing.
“Always,” she murmurs back.
“Get on top of me,” I order, lying down and she adjusts herself on top of my face.
I look up at her, as her hair pools over one shoulder. Her small breasts are full, her nipples perky. I reach my hands to caress them. She places her own hands over mine, closing her eyes, lowering her soft pussy lips on my mouth.
I spread her with my tongue, tasting her. Her juices are so sweet, so delicious. I can’t get enough of her. I never could and I know that I never will. She slowly starts to rock her hips back and forth, becoming more and more wet. I hear her soft moans as I slip a finger inside of her.
“I’ve been wanting this for so long,” she moans again, telling me how she feels, although I know already. I am burning up, just like she is.
“I want to make you cum again,” I tell her, moving my finger inside of her slowly, as my tongue flicks over her clit. I feel my cock beading. It is begging for release. It wants to feel her wet softness as well, but I want to satisfy her like this first. I want her to cum on my mouth, so I can soak up all of her juices into me.
I add another finger, and she starts grinding harder. I look up. She has grabbed her breasts with her hands, squeezing them. Her nipples peak between her fingers, a pale pink. I want them in my mouth as well, but first things first.
She grinds against my mouth harder. I slide my whole tongue inside of her, sucking on her clit harder and harder. She groans, leaning forward, her body tightening, only to cum right on my lips. Her pussy juices leak all over my mouth and chin, and I lap all of it hungrily.
I watch her bring the tips of her fingers to her own mouth, licking them.
“Don’t stop,” she tells me. “I want more.”
She knows I can’t tell her no. I bury my face between her legs once again, sucking her pussy lips harder and harder, feeling her wet fingers around my cock, jerking it off. She knows it won’t take me long like this.
“Oh, Eddie… I love your tongue,” she murmurs, and the sound of her voice almost sends me over the edge. I keep sucking her off, enjoying the grip of her hand on my cock.