“Yes,” he nods. “I can’t wait.”

But before we can take even one step, the front door suddenly bursts open, and I see my mother running after Orien, who bolts out through the door, heading straight for Eddie, with his arms outstretched at him.

“Daddy!” we hear him shout.

Eddie drops down to his knees, his arms equally outstretched, ready to welcome his son into his embrace. Orien jumps into his arms, burying his little face into Eddie’s neck.

My mom shrugs helplessly at me, probably hinting at the fact that she tried to keep him inside, to give us a moment, but it was impossible to do so. I know Orien. I know that he probably sensed that his father returned, and it is only natural that he wanted to rush outside to greet him. I smile at my mother reassuringly, as we both watch the two of them embrace each other.

When Orien finally pulls away, he gives Eddie a jokingly scornful look.

“You were gone a long time, daddy,” Orien says. “That’s not nice.” He proceeds to shake his little index finger in front of him.

We all can’t help but chuckle at the sight. He is just so adorable. Even Eddie is unable to stay serious, and can’t stop laughing, although he wants to show Orien that he understands where these words came from.

“It wasn’t nice, was it?” Eddie asks, raking his fingers through Orien’s blonde curls, unable to stop looking at him.

I know that feeling. I can’t stop looking at Eddie in that manner, that fear of never seeing him again still at the back of my mind. It will probably remain there for a while longer, reminding me of what happened, of what we could have lost. Maybe it’s a good thing. It will remind us to cherish one another more this way, because we were so close to losing each other.

“You shouldn’t do it, daddy,” Orien continues.

“I promise, buddy,” Eddie finally gives him his word. “I will never disappear like that, alright?”

“Pinky promise?” Orien asks as gravely as he could, offering Eddie his pinkie as the most solemn of promises.

This time, Eddie didn’t laugh. He was just smiling, his heart full. He offers his pinkie to Orien, and they shake on it.

“Now, we can go inside and play,” Orien finally announces.

“Strange, that is exactly what I was thinking as well!” Eddie pretends to be shocked, picking up Orien and taking him into the house.

As he passes my mother, he leans his forehead to hers, and she kisses him on the cheek tenderly. I follow them inside, closing the door behind me. The feeling is beyond description.

I listen to the sound of Orien’s laughter, as Eddie is tickling him. My mom approaches me and wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer to herself. I lean my head onto her shoulder.

“It’s not over yet, is it?” she asks, knowledgeably.

I shake my head. “Not yet. He’s still not out of the woods. The healer said we should be vigilant.”

“And we shall be,” my mother nods. “But you know, we should be vigilant always. There is danger everywhere around us. And this proved it.”

I sigh. “I know,” I reply.

“Edmund is the vampire king, and you are his queen,” my mother reminds me of something I already know. “You will always be in more danger than the rest of us. You, and Orien as well.”

I don’t like to think about that, but she’s right. I remain quiet, just listening to the sound of their voices. It is enough to remind me how lucky we’ve been this time. Next time, we need to be more vigilant. We need to go about with our guard on.

“But that doesn’t mean one should live in fear,” my mother adds, smiling. “It is good to be careful, but a life is not to be led in fear.”

“So, where is the balance?” I wonder.

“It is wherever you decide it is,” she tells me cryptically. “As long as you are happy. That is all that matters.”

“That sounds so easy when you say it,” I chuckle. “It’s a bit trickier in practice.”

“You have all the ingredients of a happy life,” my mother assures me. “Just be a little more cautious.”

“I will,” I smile, turning to her and wrapping my arms around her.