Michele was…intrigued.

She threaded her hands through his hair, caressing him lovingly.

"Do you think she went to bed?" Assisi asked.

Vlad nodded, pursing his lips.

"She doesn't do much else beside go to her summer classes and come home to sleep," she sighed. "I worry about her, Vlad."

"I'm sure she's fine. Maybe she's still smarting from that whole video debacle."

"Did you see how her principal apologized?" she chuckled. "I don't think I've ever seen anything more entertaining."

Vlad laughed.

"Maybe you also noticed that the boys who picked on her weren't there."

"That's true," she nodded pensively. "And all the teachers treated her so deferentially. I was quite impressed."

"Me too," Vlad replied, though Michele could see that the man had some doubts as to why the staff had suddenly done a one-eighty in their attitude towards Venezia.

"Still, I'm worried she might be…depressed."

"Because of that boy?"

Michele's ears pricked.

"Yes. She won't tell us his name, even though it's clear that they're not in touch anymore. I'm just afraid that he…"

"That he took advantage of her?"

Assisi grimly nodded.

"You've seen how boys behave at that age. They see girls as conquests and nothing else. I fear he might have broken her heart and she won't even talk to me about it," she added with a slight tremor in her voice.

"Hell girl," Vlad sighed, bringing his hands to her face and cupping her cheeks. "Don't. She'll open up to us eventually. You know she’s very introverted. Let's win her trust first and I'm sure she'll tell us everything."

"You're right," she took a deep breath. "I told her I want to take her to a doctor appointment."

"An appointment?" Vlad frowned.

"They didn't use protection," Assisi explained in a low voice. "I want her to have a full blood work done for any STDs. I think an unexpected pregnancy is out of the question at this point since she told me they've broken up a while ago. But I want to be safe…"

"I get that. I'll draw up a list of doctors and we can go over it together and set up an appointment. How's that?"

"You're the best," she smiled, leaning down to lay a kiss on his forehead. Then another one on his cheek. Then the other cheek. She started peppering kisses all over his face.

All the while, Vlad had a languid smile on his face as he twirled his fingers in her hair.

"I'm going to take her shopping tomorrow. She needs more clothes. Something other than those odious dresses she wears every day."

"On that we're in agreement," Vlad chuckled. "I thought I was the only one offended by those ugly dresses of hers. I wanted to tell her we're not industrial workers in the mid eighteen hundreds, but I didn't want to upset her even more," he pouted.

"I'm glad you kept your mouth shut," Assisi smiled. "The last thing we want is for her to feel even worse about herself. She's already dealing with enough as it is. I want her to focus on herself and start making choices about her future."

"That's right," Vlad suddenly moved into a sitting position, effortlessly scooping up his wife and placing her onhislap.

Michele frowned. Their dynamic was…odd would be putting it mildly. He'd never seen anything like it. On one hand, he was disgusted by their overly saccharine display of skinship, on the other, he was intrigued by the origin of it—by the fact that it came so naturally to them.