Unlike himself.

He was still locked in that prison of his own making, where every touch, no matter how benign, threatened to make him ill.

Though it was almost summer, he never went anywhere without his gloves and a long-sleeved shirt. No matter how hot or sunny, his body was covered at all times to prevent any unwanted touching.

And though he'd gotten used to that over the years, he couldn't help but be fascinated and maybe a little jealous at the ease with which others touched each other.

That was another extra point for his pet. He could bear her touch unlike any other. Sometimes, he even yearned for it. And deep down, he had to admit to himself that in the time he'd spent with her, he'd spoiled himself with those little touches—those skin-to-skin moments that didn't cause him physical pain or even greater mental anguish.

As he stared at Vlad and Assisi touching and caressing each other as if it was the most normal thing in the world he felt…jealous.

"She got into quite a few colleges, didn't she? Which one do you think she's going to choose?" Vlad inquired, and Michele's focus sharpened on that.

He remembered his pet mentioning something about college. So she planned on going, after all?

He narrowed his eyes as he listened more.

"I'm not sure. Yet another thing she won't talk to me about. But I looked into the ones she got into and all have great support for people with learning disabilities," Sisi pursed her lips, bringing her hand to Vlad's cheek and absentmindedly caressing him. "I want her to continue her lessons over the summer so that she's not too far behind, but I don't think she's enjoying them."

"What do you mean?" Vlad's brows drew up.

"I talked to her tutor and she told me Zia is very withdrawn in class. She does her homework and tries her best but… I don't think it's working out for her. The tutor kindly suggested we should arrange for specialized one-on-one lessons since she's having difficulty with some subjects. But you know how self-conscious she already is about her condition. I don't want to make her feel even worse about herself," Sisi explained in a sad voice.

"She's going to do great, hell girl. So what if she has severe dyslexia? A lot of successful people do. She's a hard worker, so I'm sure everything will work out," Vlad tried to soothe his wife, seemingly succeeding as she nestled closer to his chest.


Michele blinked.

Why hadn't he known that?

He was supposed to knoweverythingabout his pet, yet not one report had mentioned she had dyslexia. When he'd witnessed her poor reading skills back in D.C. he'd attributed that to the fact that she'd been neglected for years on end and therefore no one had taken an interest in her education.

Yet hearing that it'snota lack of education that caused that but some innate issues?

He didn't like it. He didn't like it one bit.

A scowl marred his features as he remembered how everyone had laughed at her. How everyone atschoolhad laughed at her and called her mentally challenged and stupid—some of those rumors of his own making.

His hands curled into fists and he barely stopped himself from breaking something.

"You're right. She'll do great." Assisi added confidently. "And we'll make sure she has all the resources she needs."

"You're so good, hell girl," Vlad praised, nuzzling his nose in her hair.

"How good do you think I can be?" she batted her lashes at him, licking her lips suggestively.

It all started playful enough, but Michele knew where everything was heading, especially as they started kissing passionately.

His lip curled in disgust as he shut the screen off.

Once more, he redirected his attention to where his pet was sleeping peacefully, the new information he'd gleaned dancing through his brain.

He had work to do, starting with whateverdoctorAssisi wanted to take his pet to. He wasn't about to allow amaledoctor to put even one finger on her. As such, that situation needed close monitoring.

But first, there was the matter of thatshoppingAssisi suggested. And if she took his pet shopping and she convinced her to wearanythingother than the odious dresses he himself had forced upon her, then Michele didn't know how he would react. The best course of action was, of course, to make sure his pet didn't change her style—not one bit.

As for the other matter of her going to college, he didn't need to dwell on that for now. He was sure that once she becamehisonce more there would be no more thoughts of college going through her mind. He'd make her seehimand only him once more and the balance would be restored anew. The world could go on, and most importantly, hisrevengecould go on.