Jumping in the car, Michele pulled it out of the parking lot and drove straight for the bar. In a matter of minutes they were there.

"Good job, Andreas," Michele nodded at him as he spotted the bullies. "Make sure the cameras are covered."

A perpetual smile on his face, Andreas couldn't help the glee that overtook him at seeing Michelereact.


"Hullo, boys," Michele whistled as he strode to the table currently occupied by three high schoolers.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them asked, just as the others turned their attention to him.

Michele took a moment to study them, his lip twitching in distaste.

These. These motherfuckers had dared touch her—had dare put her name in the same sentence with all types of illicit acts.

"You're from Trinity High, aren't you?" He let his lips curl up in a pleasant smile.

"So?" One asked—another, braver seemingly.

"Nah, nothing. Just that I heard about that girl at your school," he leaned back, feigning a relaxed stance when on the inside he could barely wait to get his hands on them. "The one in the video."

"Oh that one," they laughed. "Don't tell me you want your turn, too?"

"And if I do?" He raised a brow.

"Steven here had the chance to tap and…"

That was enough for Michele's already strenuous control to snap—truly snap.

His hand shot out, and grabbing the boy's collar, he dragged him over the table.

The bar went quiet.

Andreas was quick at work in the background, dealing with the owner and getting everyone else to leave before it got worse. But a bribe here, a bribe there and the promise to pay for anything broken and Michele had full control of the bar.


"You had the chance to tap that?" Michele asked, his words slow and oh, so sinister, they immediately instilled the fear in all the boys.

“N-no. He lied. I didn't. I swear I didn't. Please let me go," he said, his lips trembling with fear as he looked over to his friends, nodding at them to corroborate his story.

"It's true. She hit him for even implying that and…"

"Enough," Michele's voice boomed in the suddenly quiet bar.

Everyone was quiet. Still, and quiet.

"You touched her. You put your fucking hands on her and you dared to puthername in the same sentence with what your whores do. That's enough for me," Michele smiled, a wolfish smile that should have clued everyone in that this was just the beginning.

And indeed, it was.

Grabbing the neck of a bottle, he broke it in half before bringing the edge to the boy's cheek, cutting deep.

"Let's see how you're going to get your cock sucked from now on looking like a fucking circus," Michele spat.

The boy cried in pain, struggling in his hold and trying to land a few punches on him. All in vain as Michele subdued him, and upon finishing with his art, he brought his elbow to his chest, knocking the wind out of him before throwing him to the ground.

The other two were desperately trying to run away, but the exits were locked.