Andreas was to the side, holding one by his nape and the other around his throat.

"Gimme," Michele motioned with his finger.

Andreas threw him one of the boys, still holding on to the other.

Michele's mind slipped from him until only violence remained. Violence and a sweet, soothing voice echoing in his ear. The only tether he had left to normality.

He punched and kicked and beat the shit out of each boy until they had no other choice but to pass out from the pain.

Only then did he stop. When they were all moaning on the ground until even their voices left them.

Getting a cigarette from his pack, he lit it up and slipped it between his lips. Smiling, he took a deep drag as he stretched his limbs.

"That felt good," he breathed out, closing his eyes and grounding himself.

Still, his ears were full ofhersound. Only her.

It was such an intoxicating sound that he felt himself get drunk on mere whispers alone. So close he could imagine her…

His eyes snapped open, and turning to the side, he caught Andreas' amused gaze.

"Who's next? Who else did you add to the list?"

"There were a few teachers who made fun of her and the principal," Andreas went on to explain that the principal had sided with the boys before Venezia's sister and her husband had paid him a visit. "There are only a couple of days left until graduation and he hasn't issued any apology," Andreas continued, enjoying the way Michele's features contorted with rage.

"Address?" he demanded in a clipped tone.

"Here," Andreas complied, giving him the list of adults who'd dared mock his pet.

That night, he paid a visit to each and every one of them, giving them a true definition of the word nightmare and getting their vow that they would publicly apologize to his pet.

The best, he saved for last—the principal.

In his frenzy, he'd destroyed his laptop before he could get a glimpse of the principal's behavior, but Andreas, ever so resourceful, had a spare copy that he played for Michele. In it he could clearly see how the principal had insulted her, going as far as to insinuate she was awhore.

And as they reached the principal's home, Michele snuck into his bedroom, instructing Andreas to lightly drug his wife and move her elsewhere while he dealt with him.

“W-what's happening?" The man asked in a tremulous voice as he opened his eyes to come face to face with Michele's sinister visage.

But Michele didn't let the old man speak, stuffing his mouth with a sock he'd picked off the floor.

"I will talk and you will listen. You will nod if you understand. If not, you're forfeiting your life," he smiled at him, letting his blade pick up some shine from the beam of moonlight sneaking through the window.

Mr. Landers, the principal, nodded stiffly.

"Good. Then I won't waste your time, nor mine. Venezia Lastra," he simply stated, watching how the man blanched at the sound of the name.

Michele's gaze dipped down to the cast on his finger. Andreas had told him Kuznetsov had cut it—which, he could respect. But why did the bastard have to leave the finger behind so Mr. Landers could reattach it? If it had been Michele, he'd have ground it up and force fed it to the man.

He paused, the idea having merit. Alas, what he wanted right now was a public apology that would set the world straight about his pet.

"Graduation is in two days, isn't it?"

He nodded.

"And you're set to make a speech, aren't you?"

Another nod.