After he'd released the video of his pet on her knees, he'd had Andreas monitor the situation and give him a full report on how everything had gone.

Andreas, ever the dutiful worker, had compiled an entire folder ofevidence.

Of course, Michele had done his best to forget about its existence. But still, here he was.

His pulse quickened, athrillgoing down his spine.

Opening the folder, Michele's brows shot up as he realized it had an entire compilation of video footage. But ofwhat?

He clicked through a few videos, not seeing anything of importance at first. It looked to be the surveillance footage from her high school. In fact, he was about to click out of the video before he saw it.

He sawher.

Head bent low, she headed to her locker, fumbling with her combination before opening it to see her entire compartment filled with disgusting stuff. Even from the angle of the camera Michele could tell what some of it was.

His blood boiled.

Then came the boys. The name-calling, dared-to-touch-what-was-not-theirs boys.

His head throbbed. Especially as he heard what obscenities they were shouting at his pet.

But that made him pause.

Hadn't he expected that would happen? That she would become even more of a pariah at her school?

The answer came a resoundingyes. But in his utopian world where everything happened just as he dictated, he imagined she would never dare show her face to school again after she found out about the video. He'd thought she would just isolate herself from the world and never show her face again.

He definitely didn't think she wouldeverlift her chin up, quiet pride shining in her eyes as she decked one of the boys with the locker's door.

Again and again.

She didn't stop.

She was a wildcat playing, finally getting to her prey.

And by God, Michele's lips twitched with pleasure as he saw her like that—uninhibited, raw,real.

That was what he'd wanted from her, from the very beginning.

And here she was, giving it to some puny boy.

He saw red. Correction. Red turned to black.

He saw pure black. Pitch black. Obsidian black.

The laptop ended up a pile of broken metal on the ground.

In no time at all, Michele put on his clothes and exited his room.

"Andreas!" He shouted, and Andreas immediately showed up. "I want their names. Each one of their names.Now."

He didn't have to tell himwhatnames, for Andreas was already prepared. Excitement simmered through him when he realized his boss had finally given in—a little later than he'd expected, but he'd given in and watched those videos. He'd known Michele would never stand still if he saw someoneelsetouch Miss Venezia, and he'd been right.

"Here, sir. I have an entire list, their addresses and the places they like to frequent. As a matter of fact, this being a Friday night, they are probably at this location," Andreas pointed to the bar written on the note.

"Good. Are you coming with?" Michele barely spared him a glance, already getting ready to head out.

Andreas smiled and followed along.