Page 100 of The Counterfeit Lover

"You don't know her," he speaks low—ominously low. "You think you know her, Raf, but you never did. The things she's capable of…" his mouth tilts in a lopsided smile. "It would make saints turn in their graves."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"My sister isn'tjustan ordinary woman. She wasn't before her first marriage and certainly not after. Take care how much you idealize her. You might have a rude awakening in the future."

"I don't know what game you're trying to play, Cisco," I swipe his hands aside. "But if there is one thing that is off-limits, it's hearinganyonebadmouth Noelle. You already tried to screw with my head in the past. Do you really think I'm going to believe anything you might tell me?" I laugh dryly.

"I'm just giving you a heads up," he's not rattled by my hostility—as if he expected it all along. "And I'll leave you with one question. One you should ponder carefully," he pauses, taking a drag off his cigarette as his gaze grows distant. "Why do you think she was theonlysurvivor in that fire? Why do you think she was the only survivor period?"

I blink, not expectingthatquestion.

"I was there that night. Whatever you think you know, I saw with my own eyes," I tell him squarely. "It could have never been the hand of someone like Noelle. For God's sake, she could barely hurt a fly," I exclaim, exasperated.

"Could barely hurt a fly, eh," he smiles insidiously. "Good luck believing that."

"Raf?" Noelle's muffled voice reaches my ears.

I give Cisco one last look to show him my distaste and the fact that his words mean nothing to me before I wrench the door open, spotting Noelle at the top of the stairs, struggling to drag a suitcase behind her.

"I got you," I call out, climbing two stairs at once to get to her.

She gives me a dazzling smile.

"I think that's everything. But there's one more thing I'd like to get," she bites her lip.

"What is it?"

"My old computer. It's upstate at my mother's house. I haven't used it in…years," she strains a smile. "But I still have things on it that I can never part with."

"Then we'll go for a visit to get it," I say as I grab the suitcase.

But I don't get to move as her fingers are suddenly on my sleeve, tugging it to get my attention.

"I don't want to go there. I don't want to meet my mother. Could we… Ask someone to get it for me?" she asks shyly, and I immediately assure her that's exactly what we'll do.

Her mood brightens, and together we go downstairs. Just in time, the moving crew is here too.

Cisco takes his leave after he exchanges a couple of tense words with Noelle. I don't mind it, however, as I'm soon distracted by the many suitcases and boxes that need to be loaded in the moving truck.

It's hours later that Noelle and I can finally sigh in relief, both sweaty and tired. Yet it's all rewarded by the sight of the previously bare apartment now teeming with stuff—granted, stillunpacked stuff.

"I can't believe this is our new place," Noelle breathes out in awe as her eyes scan our surroundings.

A condo a few blocks from Central Park, it's not that far from Cisco's place. But it's ours—only ours.

The apartment features two bedrooms, two offices, a spacious living room and even a terrace with a lot of open space. I'd already had most of the place furnished, though I'd reserved the essential items for later since I wanted Noelle to have an input in that.

I couldn't help myself, though, and I went ahead to prepare the two offices. The first I'll use for my business while the second will be Noelle's new piano rehearsal room.

"You like it, right?" I turn to ask.

We're both sprawled on the couch in the living room, simply staring at the mess in front of us.

"Iloveit. Just how many surprises do you have under your sleeve, Rafaelo Guerra?" she smiles languidly, stretching like a cat as she lays her head on my lap.

"Let's just say that there are a few more," I chuckle. "But you'll see them when the time is right."

"You spoil me too much."