Page 101 of The Counterfeit Lover

"There's no such thing as too much, pretty girl. I know you've never had something truly yours, so I want to remedy that."

"You're right," her lips flatten in a thin line. "I've never really had that. You know," she pauses, making herself more comfortable as she turns to face me, "growing up I was so alone, I used to dream about getting attention from someone. But as I went through puberty, I started having no privacy. Everyone in my family wanted to make sure I would not misbehave or sully their name. I went from one extreme to another and Ineverfelt comfortable anywhere. Or even wanted," she gives a dry laugh. "Only…"

My brows shoot up.


She shakes her head.

"Nothing. I was always an outsider, and all along I've only wanted one thing. To belong."

I bring my hand to her face, swiping a few strands of hair off her forehead.

She's told me about her childhood and how empty it had been. Everyone had washed their hands clean off her, leaving her to her devices but also expecting her to act circumspectly. In a way, she'd never been allowed to be a child, and my heart breaks for her.

Things had only worsened as she'd neared her eighteen birthday, since her family had suddenly decided they needed to safeguard her virtue so they could sell her off.

"You do now," I gently caress her skin. "This is your place. By my side," I murmur as I bring her small palm to my heart. "Just like my place is with you."

"You'vealwaysbeen my place, Raf." There's an odd quality to her voice as her eyes drink me in, so much love reflected in those depths I can feel my pulse start throbbing under her touch.

"Let me make this sweeter," I suddenly say, swooping her up in my arms as I rise from the couch. "I have one more surprise to show you today," I smile sheepishly.

She merely raises a curious brow.

Crossing the apartment, I head to the office space I'd put the piano in, opening the door before placing Noelle down.

Her mouth is hanging open as she takes in the Steinway & Sons masterpiece before her. The piano in itself is a work of art, intricate carvings covering the entire surface.

By her reaction, I gather she knows exactly how much these things can go for in auctions.

"You didn't," she whispers, still unable to take her eyes off it.

"Why don't you give it a go?" I lean to whisper in her ear.

She's slow to put one foot in front of the other before finally reaching the bench. Taking a seat, she spreads her open palms over the carved wood, feeling every little indentation.

"This must have cost at least a million, Raf," she suddenly says. "How… You…"

"Don't worry about money. As it happens, we have enough to live pretty comfortably for the rest of our lives," I smile as I join her on the bench. "The Guerra coffers aren't as empty as I previously thought. Even with everything I gave your brother, we still have properties and quite a lot of money in the bank."

Odd that Michele had not tried to claim the Guerra title again. For all intents and purposes, on paper he's still dead.

"But still… This is… I have no words. It's just so extravagant. I never thought I'd own something as beautiful as this. I've seen one before, but I didn't get to play it," she recounts melancholically.

"I know how much you value your craft," I cover her hand with mine. "And only something this beautiful could complement your talent."

She blushes, a smile pulling at her lips.

"Play for me, pretty girl. Play for me, and this time, show me how much you love me."

Her eyes widen, and I know she recognizes the moment I'm alluding to.

The moment everything changed for us. When she bared her soul to me and I inadvertently fell under her spell.

Looking back, even the most extreme hate could not stop me from falling for her and the musical expression of her very essence.

Feeling for the keys, she brings her fingers down on them, the first notes sounding in the air and landing on my tongue like the sweetest treat I've ever had.