Page 84 of Eight Years Gone

She needed him too, but mostly she needed him to make his dreams come true. No one deserved an amazing life more than he did. “If you ever change your mind—”

He yanked her against him. “I won’t.” He cupped her cheeks. “You’re so afraid that I’m going to walk away. But maybe you’ll wake up one of these mornings and remember you’ve done just fine without me.”

She adamantly shook her head. “I haven’t been fine, Jagger.”

“Neither have I. I walked away when I never should have. I did a job that was as exciting as it was terrifying. Now I’m home—right where I want to be.”

She wrapped her arms around him, finally choosing to surrender—to let herself embrace that this was real. Jagger was truly home for good. “I love you.”

Returning her embrace, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, too.” He kissed her again. “Please, let’s get back to our evening—to macaroni and cheese and movies.”

She nodded. “I’d like that.”


Grace hummed along with the radio as she tightened her focus on a generous bunch of boldly purple asters in their galvanized steel bucket.

Clicking the shutter button, she pulled the camera back, studying the screen, pleased with the subtle blur of the various other fall flowers available for sale in the pick-your-own section of the store.

Aunt Maggie used her cane to walk from the back. “How are the pictures coming along?”

Grace glanced at her screen again. “Great. I have what I need for today’s upload to The Gram.” She looked up, meeting Aunt Maggie’s watchful gaze. “What?”

“You’re glowing, honey.”

She shrugged as she snagged her lip, trying to disguise her smile. “You know how much I love Wednesdays: buy one bundle, get one half off.”

Aunt Maggie laughed. “Is that what it is?”

Grace gave up, grinning. “I like a solid profit margin.”

Aunt Maggie chuckled again. “And here I thought it had something to do with you and Jagger being roommates again.”

All innocence, Grace settled her hand on her chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Aunt Maggie sent her a knowing nod. “It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen that twinkle in your eyes.”

Grace’s grin returned because she’d seen the same twinkle reflecting at her in the mirror when she and Jagger had stepped out of the shower this morning. Initially, they’d decided to take things slow, but things had stayed fast and hot since Jason Gray’s phone call.

Jagger had gone to Todd’s for changes of clothes, but he’d fallen asleep with her in her bed the last four nights. It had been so long since life had been this good. “I’m happy.”

Aunt Maggie winked. “Good for you, sweetie.”

The door opened, and Jagger walked in, wearing his dobok and a pair of sneakers.

“Well, here’s a surprise,” Aunt Maggie said as she headed to sit on the stool behind the front counter. “It’s been four whole hours since we saw you last.”

Jagger grinned. “Hey, Aunt Mags.” He kissed Grace as he stopped in front of her. “Hey.”

Grace smiled. “Hey.”

“Do you have a second?”

Her smile dimmed as she studied the intensity of his gaze, sensing that something was up. “Sure.”

“We’ll be right back,” Jagger said to Aunt Maggie as he took Grace’s hand, pulling her down the hall to her office.

She closed the door behind them, setting her camera on the desk. “Jagger, what’s going on?”