He took her hands, kissing her again. “I have about fifteen minutes before I need to get back, but I want to talk to you about something.”
“Jason called me again.”
Her stomach clenched with a sudden rush of nerves. But she forced herself to smile. “Another job offer?”
He nodded. “Freelancing—doing some risk assessment.”
And then her stomach sank because he hadn’t turned it down. “The same stuff you were doing?”
“Sort of.”
She pulled her hands free from his and turned to stare at the neatly stacked paperwork that needed her attention. She would not cry. She would not be selfish if this was what Jagger wanted. “So, you’re leaving.”
“No.” He tugged her around, capturing her hands again, squeezing. “I’m not.”
But her guard was up despite what he said. “I guess I don’t understand.”
“I’d be doing risk assessment, but I’d only work stateside.”
“It’s dangerous?”
He shook his head. “Basically, I’m troubleshooting. I’d travel to the destinations where Jason’s high-profile clients are slated to visit—look for potential security risks, make my reports and recommendations, then come home. I told Jason I needed to discuss this with you before I gave him any sort of commitment.”
“I remember Jason saying something about thirty days. You’ll be gone for a month at a time?”
Jagger shook his head again. “Three or four days a month. Five days, tops.”
Her shoulders relaxed because that didn’t sound so bad. “You don’t need my permission, Jagger.”
“I want your blessing. Jason’s talking about keeping me on retainer, but I thought I could try this one job first. I would have to go to DC for a couple of days. If it feels like a good fit, I might take another job next month.”
“Is this what you want?” But even as she asked, she could see the excitement in his eyes.
He puffed out a breath. “I never really considered it until Jason brought it up. But yeah. Maybe.”
“Then I want you to do it.”
He kissed her. “Do you remember that paycheck Jason mentioned for the South America job?”
Grace nodded.
“I can make fifty percent of that for a couple of days of work each month if he keeps me on retainer.”
Her eyes grew huge. “And you’re sure this isn’t dangerous?”
He shook his head. “I’ll be there and gone before the asset even arrives. I imagine there might be some trips where you could even come with me. I’ll do what I need to do, then we can take a couple of extra days for ourselves.”
She loved the idea of traveling with Jagger—their original dream. “That sounds like fun.”
“I think this could be good, but it has to be okay with you. This has to work for what we’re building.”
“I want you to do this. I want you to be happy.”
“I am happy.”
“All the way happy—professionally fulfilled. That matters, Jagger.”