She bit her lip. “You think he’s a good guy?”
Nico shrugged. “His socials check out. August is … well, a really good dude, and he swears his brother is too.”
“Right.” Skylar nodded. “Gah, I can’t believe I’m seriously thinking about this. You mind if I ditch you? I feel bad. I was supposed to stay with you for the day.”
“I’m good, I promise,” Nico assured her.
She glanced down at her belly. “But I’m so … pregnant.”
“Sky.” He cupped her cheeks and looked her in the eye. “That man is going to worship the fuck out of your body. Seriously. Go get some dick. And nachos. And tell me how they both are once you’re done.”
“Right.” She squared her shoulders. “Dick and nachos. I’ve got this.”
Nico tried not to smirk as he watched her waddle toward the kitchen. A moment later, Nico heard the bump of something clattering to the floor.
Nico had gotten comfy on the couch again when Skylar emerged, towing Julius after her by the front of his shirt. Her hair was mussed and he looked totally dazed.
“See you later, Nics!” she said cheerfully and Julius mouthed a wide-eyed ‘thank you’ in Nico’s direction.
Nico smiled.
Well, his work was done here.
* * *
August came home to find Nico alone.
“Where is Skylar?” he said the moment he walked in, kicking off his shoes and lining them up on the mat. “I thought she was going to come and I don’t see a vehicle out there. Or at least I assume she’s not the one driving the rust bucket parked on the street unless she’s trying to be incognito.”
“She was here,” Nico assured him. “She left early. No idea who the rust bucket belongs to.”
August shrugged off his coat. “Nico …”
“What? I’m fine,” he protested. “I spent most of the day on the couch. I didn’t even go up and down the stairs. Well, once, to pee. But that was all. I have zero head injuries to report. No dizziness. No headaches. I’ve been doing my puzzles like a good boy.”
“Well, that’s something,” August said with a sigh as he hung his coat on a hanger.
“Hey, by the way, I found your cat! I dunno how she got out but she was roaming around outside meowing. I’m surprised you haven’t been more worried about her. I take it she’s normally an indoor/outdoor cat?”
“Nico, I don’t have a cat,” August said slowly as he closed the closet door. “I have a fish. Marty. He’s right over there.”
Nico rolled his eyes. “Well, what do you call this?”
He pointed to his lap where a big white fluffy cat with a brownish–gray face lay. The creature was purring loud enough August could hear it from a few feet away and it had its eyes closed in what looked like bliss as it kneaded the blanket.
“Uhh.” August stared blankly. “A stray cat who conned you into letting it inside?”
“What?” Nico looked surprised. “But there was cat food by your back door and when I opened it, she walked right in!”
“Yeah, I feed the strays in the neighborhood. They’re around all the time and I feel bad for them so I throw food in some bowls outside. This guy comes around a lot but he’s not mine. I’ve never let him inside.”
“Pretty sure Miss Muffins is a girl, Auggie.”
“How do you know?”
Nico shot him a look. “How do you think?”
“Right. Not the point. And Miss Muffins?”