Their build was similar, though Julius was a bit lankier. Their facial features were similar too, with wide, high cheekbones, deep set eyes, and great lips.
But the resemblance stopped there. Julius’ jaw and chin were all wrong and his hair was a few shades lighter and his eyes were blue and nope, definitely not August.
Meh. Yeah. The cheap knockoff was right. Skylar could have him.
“Hey, Julius,” Nico said, remembering something he’d seen posted on the guy’s Instagram. “How do you feel about nachos?”
Skylar glanced over, glaring.
Julius looked confused. “I like them? I make them sometimes. I have really been into these spicy baked black bean nachos lately.”
Skylar turned back to Julius. “You make them yourself?”
He brightened. “Yeah. I’m kinda getting into cooking lately. I’ve been trying to cut back on the amount of meat I eat, you know? I liked the talk you did on the impact going partly vegetarian can have on atmospheric carbon dioxide.”
“You were at that talk?” She crossed her arms.
“No? I watched it? Online?” He cleared his throat. “I mean, I watched it online. It was interesting.”
“Huh. Tell me more about the nachos.” Skylar stepped toward him.
“The spicy baked black bean ones?”
“Well, they’re pretty simple. Black beans, onion, diced tomatoes with chilies, this spice blend I make up. Cheese—I usually do cheddar— but I think what sets it apart is the pickled red onions on top.”
Skylar’s stomach gurgled and she clapped a hand across her belly. “l love pickled red onions.”
“I could make you some? If you wanted. I have all of the ingredients at home and I live like ten minutes away.”
“You expect me to go to a strange man’s house?” She gave him an incredulous look. “Yeah, okay, buddy. Did you know there were kidnapping attempts to extort money from my family when I was twelve?”
Julius looked alarmed. “Oh, right. Good point. I could bring it here. Yes. I’ll do that. I’ll make the nachos and bring them here and you can try them. That sounds better.”
Nico stifled a laugh. Oh God, this guy was so gone on Skylar. It was fucking adorable.
Downright adorkable.
“Could you give Nico and me a moment, please?” Skylar said sweetly. “Thank you.”
Julius nodded. “Yes. I’ll just go right over here.” He pointed at the wall. “I mean, in the kitchen. Yes, I’ll be in there while you … uh, do your thing.”
When he was gone, Skylar stepped closer to Nico. “Stand up. I can’t lean down to whisper-yell at you without falling on my face.”
Amused, Nico stood. “What’s up?”
“Why do I want to ride that man like a pony?” she whispered furiously. “He is awkward as fuck. I should not want to screw his brains out and eat his nachos. And yet …”
Nico shrugged. “Pregnancy hormones, maybe? It’s either that or there’s something weird about the Manning family. I should not find August’s little sweater vests sexy either but here we are.”
“Am I really thinking about doing this?” Skylar looked horrified. “I mean, casual sex, yes. I am here for it. But with him? Am I attracted to him or just hungry for nachos? That’s kind of concerning that I can’t tell.”
“Little bit,” Nico agreed. “But does it matter? Either way, it’s kind of a win.”
“You have a point,” she said. “I suppose I have nothing to lose, except, you know, my life if he’s a serial killer.”
“He’s not a serial killer,” Nico assured her. “No way is August’s twin going to murder you. It’s just not possible.”